Required to leave

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In the morning, Jaruma rises early and moves to the living room. At the door, she spots a votja warrior who seems to be delivering a message to her parents. She hides and watches from a distance until he leaves. She comes out and asks"What was he doing here?"

The parents look at her horrified. "Nothing" Flora chuckles nervously.
"Did you hear anything?"She continues to ask.
Jaruma shakes her head"No, nothing."

"Oh okay, then go and wash up."Flora says. Jaruma heads back to the room to clean up.

As she returns, she eavesdrops on the parents' conversation. "How are we going to tell her "Flora says. "I don't know, l really don't."James adds.

She finally enters the living room. They look startled but try to hide it but aren't doing a good job.

The grandmother enters with breakfast and they all sit and eat.

"So, today we decided to go to the carnival together."Flora suddenly says looking at Jaruma. "For real."Jaruma replies. "Wow, ok ok when are we leaving."She adds.

"In a few minutes."Flora says. Jaruma quickly jumps from the chair and runs to the bedroom to wear something nice.

Soon, she is ready in black Capri pants and a white blouse with black pumps. Her hair is in a ponytail.

They all leave the house for a fun day at the carnival.

They start with the rides. The grand parents sit this one out due to their age. Flora and James avoid some of the rides as Jaruma goes alone.

Next, they watch a few shows together as a family. They enjoy a display of their traditional dance.
Later, they move on to a magician's show.  A lot of acts are displayed and Jaruma is quite fascinated by a boy who looks a few years older than her.

She wonders how he manages to do all the tricks. "Isn't he talented?" Jaruma says. "He sure is." Flora says beaming with happiness.

"Oh please, anyone can do that." James says, obviously not pleased.

"We need a volunteer, we need a volunteer." The circus boy says.

Jaruma is quick to raise her hand and starts screaming so that she's picked.

Meanwhile, James tries to force her arm down but she is reluctant and keeps screaming. Several people are begging to be chosen.

As the boy's green eyes swoop the crowd, they suddenly land on Jaruma and stand still. His lips twitch into a slight smile and he says

"We have found out volunteer."He saunters towards where Jaruma is seated and holds out his hand for her.

Before Jaruma places her hand on his, he turns his eyes to James who staring daggers at him as if ready to boil him in a volcano.

He chuckles nervously. He leads Jaruma to the stage and performs a trick where makes her to disappear only to open the door to a closed portable room.
The crowd goes wild. He holds Jaruma's hand leads her out and back to her seat.

He lifts his green eyes to meet her brown ones and says"Thank you for your assistance."

"Anytime."Jaruma says blushing. He bows and heads back to the stage leaving a scowling James.

"A round of applause for our volunteer." The boy says.

The crowd arouses into an applause.
The show continues with more performances.

After the magician's show  they head to grab some snacks. They enjoy them as they chat amongst themselves.

Late in the evening, they return. Jaruma still laughing out loud and happily. She runs to her bedroom to freshen up and so do the rest.

At night after dinner, they all gather in sitting room. All the elders surround Jaruma.

"You must be wondering why we have all gathered here. "Flora says. They all look worried and Jaruma can tell that something is wrong.

"In the morning, you saw a votja warrior at our door." Flora says and she sighs. "You are."Tears well up in Flora's eyes and she breaks down into tears. James holds her and comforts her until she calms down.

James continues"You are required to go and attend the votja camp where you will learn to become a votja warrior, you are of age,15 years old." He says this gazing into Jaruma's eyes.

"Am sorry, there is nothing we can do Jaruma.He continues. Jaruma is in shock as she stares at her parents and grandparents.
They all break down into tears as they try to comfort Jaruma.

That explained the sudden outing to the carnival.
Flora stares at Jaruma , holds her cheek and slowly wipes away the tears running down and smiles painfully.

"Don't worry, you can visit us after sometime."James says.

"When?,after how long will that be?" Jaruma asks with tears glittering in her eyes.

"I don't know my dear."James says. Jaruma jumps into his arms and cries even more. James holds her tightly.

After two and a half hours of crying, Jaruma retires to her bed. James kisses her on the forehead and whispers "Good night."
"Good night."Jaruma responds.

James walks to the door, turns off the light and closes the door. Jaruma can't help but break down in tears. She cries herself to sleep.

JARUMATahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon