Prologue: A new life begins

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Earth has become a wasteland and the world has been taken over by the evil Shadowdragon Drazeros. The only one that can save Earth is Kai Loud the Firedragon the last survivor who lost his friends his adoptive parents Lori and Bobby and his girlfriend Lilac the waterdragon.

A hooded figure is walking towards the fortress and the ones guarding the entrance is Siderian the Wolf and Felice the Tiger.

Siderian: Who are you stranger?

Hooded Figure: Get out of my way or I will kill the both of you.

Felice: Ooh a feisty one eh? We'd like to see you try!

The two charged at the hooded figure but he dodged them. Siderian brings out his sword as he slashed at him but the figure also brings out his sword as they clashed the hood went down revealing to be Kai.

Felice:(evil smile) Well isn't this a big surprise. I thought you perished with the rest of your pathetic friends family and your girlfriend.

Kai had a furious look on his face as punched Siderian in the face hard and stabbed him in the chest with his sword. Siderian died and Felice stood there in shock.

Kai charged at Felice and punched her hard in the stomach causing her to cough up blood as she held her stomach in pain.

Kai grabbed her by the neck and throws her straight into the wall and she felt pain in her chest as she looked down to see sword had been stabbed into her chest.

Felice: I'll... hell...

Felice soon died as she went limp.

Kai then went to the fortress to put an end to Drazeros reign of terror.

Kai walked to Drazeros's throne room and sees his arch enemy sitting on his throne with a sinister smile on his face.

Drazeros: So good to see you again Kai.

Kai simply growled at him as he charged at Drazeros and the Shadowdragon does the same as the two clashed. Kai delivered a roundhouse kick but Drazeros blocked it and punched him in the chest sending the Firedragon crashing into the wall.

Kai got back up and brings out his sword and Drazeros does the same as the clashed with swords. Drazeros slashed Kai on his left shoulder and Kai slashed him on his left cheek. The two continued to clash with their two swords.

Kai tried to stab Drazeros in the chest but he fast to block it as he knocked the sword off his hand and stabbed him in the chest. Kai coughed up blood and Drazeros knocks him down to the ground.

Drazeros looked down at Kai with an evil smile.

Drazeros: (evil smile) Any last words?

???: Stay away from my Nephew!

A shot was heading toward Drazeros but the Shadowdragon dodged it and looked to see that it was a 27 year old Lincoln Loud standing in front of him.

Kai:(weakly) U-uncle Lincoln?

Lincoln: Easy Nephew let me handle him.

Lincoln transformed his right robot arm into a sword as he and Drazeros clashed. Kai weakly got back up as he grabbed to cover his stab wound and grabbed his sword as he used the last of his strength as he charged at Drazeros and stabbed him in the chest. Drazeros then went limp as he died.

Lincoln tried to stop the bleeding.

Lincoln:(close to tears) H-hang in there nephew you'll pull through.

Kai: weakly smiled at his uncle.

Kai: I'm glad to have met great people like you and the others.

Lincoln: D-don't move or talk you'll pull through.

Kai shook his head no.

Kai: I'm afraid this is where my life ends but keep on moving forward Uncle promise me that.

Lincoln:(tears) I promise...

Kai soon went limp as he died but this is not the end for the Firedragon as his adventure is just beginning.

The former Firedragon woke up in forest. Kai felt something different in his body as he walked to the river and was surprised. He was in a Beagle Pup's body and his eyes were Red and Blue.

Kai:(surprised) What happened to me? Where am I?

In another part of the forest a bulldog with a eyepatch and a scar on his left cheek.

Drazeros:(anger) Kai!!!!

This is the beginning of a new journey for Kai and his new found friends to defend the Universe.

To be continued...

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