Chapter 3: Arrival of Kelvin in BarkingBurg

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In another town called BarkingBurg lay an unconscious Shane Pup that had orange fur and grey and blue eyes. This is Kelvin Kai's rival and friend. The two sees Kelvin unconscious this is both the Princess of BarkingBurg and Sweetie.

 The two sees Kelvin unconscious this is both the Princess of BarkingBurg and Sweetie

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Sweetie blushed at seeing Kelvin.

Princess: Oh dear he looks hurt we better take him to the castle so his wounds can be healed.

Sweetie nodded as they took Kelvin to the castle so his wounds can be treated.

Unaware that the Phantom Ruby has also crashed landed revealing to be Sabrus that became a Pitbull pup

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Unaware that the Phantom Ruby has also crashed landed revealing to be Sabrus that became a Pitbull pup.

Sabrus soon woke up and sees that he's in a Pitbull pup. Sabrus remembers his defeat from Kelvin and Kai.

Sabrus(growls in anger) Kelvin!

Back with Kelvin...

Kelvin soon woke up and he sees that he was laying in bed but he was also surprised that he was a dog.

That's when he hears the door open and sees a beautiful white terrier dog. Kelvin blushed at seeing her she was beautiful just like Luxia.

Kelvin:(blushing) Um hello who are you?

Sweetie giggled.

Sweetie: I'm Sweetie. The princess and I found you unconscious in the forest and we brought you to the castle. May I ask who are you?

Kelvin: The names Kelvin and it's an honor to meet you your majesty.

Kelvin bowed respectfully.

Sweetie: Please there's no need to bow. I'm just glad that we helped.

Then the Princess and the Earl of BarkingBurg entered the room.

Then the Princess and the Earl of BarkingBurg entered the room

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The Earl of BarkingBurg: I see that our guest is awake.

Kelvin: Greetings your majesty.

Princess:(smile) No need to bow.

Kelvin: Right sorry my names Kelvin.

Princess:(smile) Nice to meet you Kelvin.

That's when a knight rushed in.

Princess of BarkingBurg:(concern) What's wrong?

Knight 1: A strange Pitbull pup with a ruby on his chest is attacking BarkingBurg!

Kelvin knew it had to be Sabrus.

Kelvin: I'll handle it!

Sweetie:(concern) Are you sure Kelvin?

Kelvin: I'll be fine promise.

Kelvin ran out to face Sabrus and save BarkingBurg.

Meanwhile In BarkingBurg...

The people are running in terror from Sabrus as he attacks the city but is knocked into the ground.

Kelvin: Sabrus I thought you would've still been trapped in the Phantom Ruby.

Sabrus: Sorry to disappoint but I'll enjoy tearing you apart!

Sabrus charged at Kelvin as he punched Kelvin. Kelvin then punched Sabrus back and then roundhouse kicked Sabrus on the side. Kelvin then used his Dragon boost as he hits him in the stomach.

Sabrus grunts a little in pain but shook it off as he uses the Phantom Ruby to create duplicates of himself as they attack Kelvin. Kelvin punched and kicked each of the clones. But more kept coming that's when Kelvin decides to use a move to get rid of these clones and defeat Sabrus.

Kelvin: Inferno Blast!

Kelvin creates a massive explosion that destroyed the clones and Sabrus was weakened.

Sabrus:(anger) This is not over.

Sabrus retreated by using the Phantom Ruby.

The Royal Carriage ran up to Kelvin as Sweetie gets out and ran to him.

Sweetie:(concern) Are you ok?

Kelvin: Y-yeah I'm fine.

Kelvin flinched a little since he used Inferno Blast.

Sweetie hugged him causing Kelvin to blush.

Sweetie: Don't do something that reckless again!

Kelvin: I'll try not to.

Both the Princess and the Earl could that Sweetie has developed a crush on Kelvin.

Meanwhile with Sabrus...

Sabrus:(anger) I will have my revenge on you Kelvin! That's a promise!

???: So I wasn't the only one brought to this alternate Earth.

Sabrus looked to his right and is shocked to see Drazeros who is also a Pitbull.

Sabrus:(shocked) Drazeros?!

Drazeros:(evil smirk) We have much to discuss.

To be continued...

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