chapter 40: the meeting part 1

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As I settled into the train heading to the diplomatic meeting, I decided to share a lighthearted moment with my friends, sending a picture of myself in the suit to our group chat. Almost immediately, the responses started pouring in.

Ruruka: "OMG, Danny! You look so cute in that suit! 😍"

Tsubaki: "Adorable! It suits you well. 😊"

Sona: "Looking sharp, Danny. Ready for the diplomatic battlefield, I see. 💼"

Saji, always one for candid responses, chimed in: "What the heck am I looking at? 😂"

Momo: "You're positively handsome! The suit really suits you. 😘"

Tsubasa: "Dapper, Danny! You're making us all look underdressed. 👔"

Nimura: "Stylish choice, Danny! Confidence level soaring. 💪"

Reya: "Looking like a prince! Ready to conquer the day. 🤴"

Kaori Miyazono, known for her straightforwardness, commented: "Not bad, Danny. Not bad at all. 🎻"

Asia Argento: "You look very handsome! The suit is a good choice. 😊"

Kira, my maid and lover, added: "Master, you look absolutely stunning. The suit accentuates your charm. ❤️"

Koneko: "Cute! But remember, I'm still the cutest one here. 😸"

Jack, my kitsune rival, couldn't resist a teasing remark: "Is it just me, or do you look like a penguin in that suit? 🐧"

I chuckled at the diverse responses, appreciating the support and playful banter from my friends. As the train continued toward the meeting, the camaraderie within the group chat provided a welcomed distraction from the serious nature of the upcoming diplomatic discussions.

Serafall's laughter echoed behind me as she caressed my hair.

Serafall:You do look handsome

She complimented, her touch bringing a subtle warmth to my cheeks.

"Thanks," I mumbled, feeling a bit bashful under her praise. It wasn't often I found myself in formal attire, and the attention was both flattering and slightly embarrassing.

As I settled into my seat, I decided to seek the opinion of Blarix, the cosmic dragon god residing within my Sacred Gear. I directed my thoughts towards him, seeking his perspective.

Me:Blarix, what do you think of the suit?

I inquired, curious about his cosmic viewpoint.

His response, as expected, was a blunt and humorous assessment:

Blarix:ya look like a simp.

I couldn't help but chuckle at his straightforwardness.

Me:Well, thanks for the cosmic insight, overgrown space lizard.

Serafall, intrigued by my conversation, raised an eyebrow.

Serafall:Blarix called you a simp?

I nodded,

Me:Apparently, even cosmic dragon gods have a sense of humor.

She smirked,

Serafall:You're still the same Danny, suit or no suit. Now, let's focus on the meeting ahead.

As the train continued its journey, my mind lingered on the banter with Blarix. I decided to send him an inward jab, knowing he'd appreciate the playful banter.

Blarix Inwardly jabbed by a mere mortal.

"How amusing"

Blarix responded, his amusement evident in his mental tone.

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