Clay X Peril part 1

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Peril's POV

Peril was a dragon like no other. She had Firescales, for one and for two, she had a crush everyone ( the Jade winglet ) knew about, but somehow her crush didn't know about it. She couldn't go on loving Clay without telling him. She knew Qibli thought Clay liked her back, but even if he did he hadn't told Peril. Peril sighed, walked up to the prey center. Clay was almost always there. And he was.

"Hi Peril!" Clay said. "What are you doing here?"

THAT was a question Peril couldn't answer. "Um I came to get prey and um maybe thought you'd be here to. And um Clay, do you want to fly in the sky and um hunt and bring back food?"

"Yes!" Clay said. He flew out of the cave and sighed dreamily. Peril wondered if he was happy he was going hunting with her, or just prey catching was enough to make him happy. "Goat!" Clay said suddenly, breaking her thoughts. He dove after the goat and Peril caught a squirrel.

They ate their prey in silence and Peril thought how will I tell Clay I like him? He's just so perfect and I'm the bad guy is this. She sighed, thinking about Clay for a while longer when Clay said, " Peril? You listening?" 

"Oh- what were you saying?" Peril said. "Sorry, I just got lost in thought."

"Oh, that's fine. I was just saying that I love cows. They are the best. Yum yum," Clay said. But that was not an ordinary response. We never lie to each other! Peril thought. 

"You are lying to me," Peril said. She looked at him and realized he'd fallen asleep. He must've been muttering in his sleep. Peril flew off to get him a cow and came back with one for him. It was a little burnt and crispy, but she hoped Clay would not care. 

Peril then had a flashback to during the last war that ended not long ago when Clay told her he loved her. She thought it was friend love, but she didn't ask. Peril flew down and set the cow gently beside Clay. He had woken up and said, " Peril! Thank you for getting me a cow!" 

Peril lay down by the lake close to Clay. She closed her eyes of a moment, and when she opened them Clay was next to her with his wing almost  brushing hers. Peril felt almost uncomfortable, which was weird, because she was sitting next to Clay. But part of her longed to tell him she loved him not in a friend way. "Clay," She said, " I have to go grab a squirrel that I killed earlier."

Peril walked off to a patch of small trees and lay down crying. She didn't care that the grass was dying below her. She just let her emotions out and lay there hopeless. Clay probably didn't even like her. I'm going to tell him, Peril thought. Well, after I stop looking like a mess. Then something brushed her wing. It was Clay.

"Peril, what is wrong?" Clay asked.

"Clay, here's the thing. I love you and I wish I could be with you because I'm bad and you are good. I feel like my life's not fair and I'm treated like a death monster and I deserve it. But never will I deserve you Clay, the best dragon ever who has everything he needs and deserves it except one thing. And that thing is me. Clay, people see me as a death monster, okay? I deserve it. I was Scarlet's killer. I almost killed you, and I love you. If you don't love me, can we be at least friends?  Please?" Peril started crying again and Clay hugged her, wincing a bit.

"Peril," Clay said, "I love you. Not in a friend way, in a romantic way. And, um do you want to uh get married? I'm crazy, right?"

"No," Peril said. "I'd love to have a wedding. I'm just worried about how the dragonets of destiny would react. Sunny would probably faint, Tsunami and Glory would probably try to kill me and Starflight ..."

"Do not worry," Clay said reassuringly. "I'll tell them someone I know is getting married and I want them to come. I don't have to tell them it is us. And it's not lying because I know we are getting married and we are the someones."

 "Clay, here's the thing. Everyone treats me as a death monster and who would actually go to the wedding?"

"Well, Me and you would go, and Moon, Qibli, Turtle, Kinkajou, maybe Winter, Queen Ruby, Cliff, and the dragonets of destiny. That makes fourteen dragons. We could still send out an invitation to some dragons."

Peril relaxed her wings. "I hope some dragons come and don't say ' oh, I'm busy, sorry' to us."

"They won't," Clay said, getting up from where he was laying by Peril. "Let's go sit by the lake."

Clay and Peril walked to the lake and sat down on the floor. Clay twined his tail with Peril's and put his wing around her. They sat and watched the sun set and fell asleep under the stars. 

Then in the morning Clay woke up and said, " Peril! We were supposed to be back! And we ate all the prey."

Peril sat up from where she'd been laying down. She had slept with Clay's wing around her and now she had sat up. " Clay, you probably ate it all," Peril laughed.

"Yeah, I probably did," Clay said. "I'm going to hunt more, what about you?"

"I'll hunt with you," Peril said, brushing her wing with Clay's. "Sorry."

"Peril, don't be sorry. You can touch me. I don't care," Clay said as he took off into the sky.

Peril spotted a goat sleeping, and she looked at Clay. He mouthed go get it. 

"But it will burn up and nobody will eat it," Peril whispered. 

"Then I'll eat it," Clay said.

Peril dove after the goat and it only saw her when it was too late. She scooped up her catch and a bit later they had each caught four pieces of prey. 

The next day

Peril was walked out of her cave to the prey center to see Clay. She brought a wood carving with her that Turtle helped her paint. "Hi Clay!" She said. "Look what I made!" Peril showed it to Clay, who gasped and said, " Thank you, Peril!" Clay kissed her and smiled. 

The carving will be the photo at the top in the Clay X Peril part 2.

Clay took Peril to her cave and sat down with her. Clay twined his tail with her's and Peril thought  Now I'm with Clay and what could go wrong? Nothing she told herself. "I love you," she said to Clay. "The hard part is telling your friends..."

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