Clay X Peril part 2

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The carving is the photo above.

Clay loved Peril. At first, he had seen a monster. Now, he saw a dragon who saw herself as a monster. Peril wasn't a monster. She was a dragon with a good heart. Most dragons didn't see her that way. Only Clay and Peril's winglet and Queen Ruby and Cliff. Clay held the carving Peril had made for him in his hand.

"Clay?" It was Sunny. "Are you okay? You seem a bit distracted."

"Yes," Clay said quickly, setting the carving down.

"What's this?" Sunny asked, peering at the carving.

"Nothing," Clay said.

"It's something," Sunny said. "Starflight would know by now."

"Starflight would," Clay said. "Really, don't pay attention to it."

"Tell me!" Sunny said.

"I-I have to ask Peril first." Clay insisted.

"Okay," Sunny said. She had on an 'I'm figuring something out face' on that Starflight often had on.

Clay walked over to Peril's cave. The cave was empty. Clay knew where to look next. The prey center. Clay walked in and Peril was in the prey center eating a goat. 

"Oh, there you are!" Peril said cheerfully. "Where were you?"

"Talking to Sunny," Clay replied. "She wants to know about the carving."

"And if we tell her about the carving, I suppose we tell her everything else," Peril sighed.

"Do you want me to tell her?" Clay asked.

"I don't care," Peril said. "Everyone will know in about five minutes anyway."

"Peril," Clay said. "You don't have to say yes. I'm just asking."

"Clay," Peril said. "I'm just a monster! You don't need my opinion!"

"You're not," He said, a bit quieter. They were still in the prey center. "You need to stop thinking that!"

"I'll try," Peril said. "Fine, tell Sunny. I saw a poster I wanted to show you. I'll go grab it."

"Sunny?" Clay said. "I can tell you."

"Great," Sunny said. "I have sat here for ages. I'm supposed to teach a class in ten minutes, so hurry."

"I will hurry," Clay promised. "So, me and Peril are in love. Peril carved this beautiful carving and Turtle painted it. I know what you are thinking. Stop it. So what if Peril looks the slightest bit aggressive? I still love the carving. And don't tell anyone yet. That's it."

Sunny's face was a mixture of every emotion. "I-I am happy for you, Clay," Sunny barely managed to say. "Are-are you having ... dragonets?"

"Not that I know of," Clay replied. "I hope we do. If we do, I won't treat them like the guardians treated us."

"Oh, come on," Sunny said. "The guardians weren't so bad."

"They could have been better," Clay said. "But at least Webs was nice. Sort of."

"Oh my goodness!" Sunny squeaked. "My class starts in five minutes! I have to go!" Sunn6 dashed down the hall and Clay walked to the teachers' cave. There were several caves and Clay stepped into his and lay down on a rock ledge. About five minutes after he'd tried to sleep, Peril walked in with a poster.

"Hi!" Peril said. "I found the poster! Look at it! I think we should go!"

The poster said: Queen Thorn is having a party! Would you like to come? If you do, great! Everything is totally free and fun! Queen Thorn will be inviting all the tribes! If you have are good at something, you can show it off to the world!

"There's no time when we should come," Clay said.

"And that's why I have this," Peril said. She held out a piece of paper.

"Wait, how are you holding that?" Clay asked.

Suddenly a bright yellow dragon popped into view. "It's me!" Kinkajou said. "Look at this!" She held out a paper that said: to: Jade mountain academy. From: Queen Thorn. If you want to come to the party, come tomorrow.

"Tomorrow?" Peril said. "If I am doing a dance or song, I'll have to practice."

"They are doing dances?" Clay said.

"Yeah," Peril said. "Look at what Kinkajou's paper says."

At the very bottom of the paper it said: if you want to sing or dance, you can show off your skills here!

"Cool," Clay said. "What are you going to sing about?"

"Not being a monster," Peril said.

"I have class," Kinkajou said. "Bye!"

"So," Clay said to Peril, "I just wanted to tell you again I love you."

"I know that," Peril said sweetly. She brushed her wing with his and blushed. Clay smiled back.

"Do you want to catch goats with me?" Clay offered. "The prey center needs some more food."

"Unless I eat it all," Peril said. "Then you won't have any! Ha ha!"

Clay grinned. "I bet I can catch more prey!"

"No I will!" Peril yelled. She swooped down to catch a goat and Clay flew away from her. He scanned the area. Goat! He dove down to catch it, but a fiery red ball dove and caught it. "Peril!"

"Yes?" She said.

"That was my goat!"

"Oh, but I caught it!"

"Fine, because I love you you are fine for now," Clay said.

"Aw," Peril said. "You are very sweet. I've met some other MudWings, and you and the best."

"And I've met some other SkyWing, and you are my favorite," Clay said.

"I can't wait for Queen Thorn's party," Peril said. "I know what I'm going to sing."

"What is it?" Clay asked.

"Not telling!" Peril said. "Wait and see."

"Peril, all of Jade mountain will be taking a field trip to Queen Thorn's party," Clay said. "And all the tribes will be there. Are you sure you want to do this?"

"I don't have stage fright," Peril snorted. "I used to battle in the arena every day ..."

"That's in the past now," Clay said. He led her to a cliff and they sat down a shared the goat Peril caught.

"CLAY! CLAY!" Sunny rushed up to him. "I just saw Riptide here! You know what this means ..."

"TSUNAMI HAS A BOYFRIEND?!" Peril shouted, making Sunny and Clay jump. "WHO COULD ACTUALLY LIKE HER?"

Sunny and Clay were both laughing and Clay said, "Sunny, can you go tell the students we are all going on a field trip to Queen Thorn's party?"

"Sure!" Sunny looked excited.

"I guess Riptide likes Tsunami," Clay whispered to Peril. "Probably," He added.

"Then he's crazy," Peril said. Clay wrapped his wing around her. "He might be," Clay murmured. "He made me were seaweed on my head. I kinda liked it though."

"Then you are crazy," Peril said. She sighed and lay down and fell asleep. I can't wait for tomorrow, Clay thought as he drifted off to sleep.

I'm going to make a Tsunami X Riptide one next so be ready.

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