More War

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Idk what to call it so it's "More War" 

Request by dogwater3455667
Luna's POV

Luna stared down at the crumbling mountain under her. Was it going to fall? Or break? Would she even survive?

A screech came from the other side of the mountain. Luna heard Cricket's voice.


So what if Katydid died? Cricket should care about Blue if she really loved him! Maybe it's a HiveWing tri- NO! HiveWings are better now, Luna told herself.


Ah. Swordtail. The one Luna had always loved. Maybe as much as Blue loved Cricket, or Cricket loved Blue.

"Why are you shoulders so ... tense?" He asked.

"You'd know if you were me," Luna sighed.

Swordtail looked into her eyes. "I know what it is," he said softly. "It's Blue and Cricket, right?"

"Yes," Luna grumbled. "I felt like Cricket was trustworthy, and then she screamed 'Katydid'. She doesn't love Blue!"

"Ah," Swordtail's eyes flashed for a second. "Katydid is Cricket's mother, remember?"

"Of course I remember!" Luna snapped. "I met Katydid! It's just that ..." Luna trailed off.

"Blue loves Cricket back," Swordtail told her. He brushed wings with Luna.

"I know," Luna said. "It feels so wrong, though."

"One could say our relationship is bad," Swordtail argued.

"I know!" Luna felt tears streaming down her face. "I'm sorry! I know you probably don't like me anymore because nobody could like me! I'm judging two dragons who love each other!" Luna spun around and raced off.


Luna sighed for what felt like the millionth time. She felt like Stonemover, a dragon Luna had met after coming back to the other continent. Luna felt rooted to the ground, also like Stonemover. The fighting, dying dragons were right in front of Luna. I'm going to fight! Luna thought. Swordtail probably doesn't want to seem me anyway! Swordtail hadn't talked to Luna yet. Luna threw herself into the fighting dragons.

"LUNA!" Those were the last words Luna heard before plunging into darkness. "Luna ..."

Swordtail's POV

Swordtail stared into the battle. Luna was flying into it. Go get her! His heart screamed. She's LUNA!

"Luna!" Swordtail yelled. "LUNA!" He grabbed Luna, who was limp, and carried her to the safest spot her could. "Luna," Swordtail whispered. "Please don't die."

"Luna?" A golden dragon with black marks on her like ink walked in. "No! Not two amazing dragons dead in a day!"

See? Swordtail thought. Cricket likes Luna like any other dragon!

"How did she die?" Cricket asked. "Or almost die," she added quickly.

"I saw her fighting dragons," Swordtail replied.

"What's going on?" A purple-blue dragon poked his head around the tree.

"Luna," Swordtail answered him.

Blue let out a cry of shock and hurled himself at Luna. "Is Luna dead?" Blue asked, looking up.

"I-I don't know," Swordtail sighed.

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