Chapter 17

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I buried my face into the downy pillow as the alarm chimed on the clock and I swat for the snooze button. Daniel's arms wrapped tighter around my waist and I let out a whine in protest. His chest vibrated against me in laughter as a small tickle of air blew against my ear. I brushed it away with an exasperated groan. I had spent the entire Sunday driving all over Colorado Springs with Sam and Janet in the attempt to find something suitable to pack for the trip as my wardrobe selection was limited.

At lunch Sam looked down to see the delicate band on my left ring finger and gave me a small suggestive look with her eyes. I blushed and nodded as a wide grin spread across her face and Janet's eyes grew round in surprise as I clinked the ring casually against the water glass. The three of us giggling in giddy excitement. Janet called over the waiter and asked for champagne as I proceeded to tell them about the genuine moment between he and I and the meaning behind the ring.
A few weekends prior Daniel and I went to visit Catherine Langford. It was her first time meeting me, but I had a history with her often before the jump. She's the closest thing Daniel has to family, and as I was tending to her garden in the back of the house getting it ready for winter, Daniel had brought up our proposal. She knew of our unique situation, and gave him this band. Her fiance had given it to her as a token of affection, and then mysteriously vanished from a gate accident. He passed away after his rescue years later, and although she didn't get to spend her life with him she did get to finally say goodbye. Daniel had said the ring was just a placeholder until I picked out something I wanted, but to me it was the perfect representation of us.

After lunch Janet, Sam and I went from store to store spending my first paycheck courtesy of the SGC on staple items, and although I did have a bit of an emotional time picking out new hiking boots remembering what had happened to my beloved boots prior jump, I was looking forward to finally seeing the infamous Minnesota retreat. But now, I was regretting agreeing to such an early flight. At least with a long drive I could have slept the majority of it.

"Wake up," his voice was low and soft, tone coaxing deliciously wicked reasons for me to stay instead of leaving the bed. "You've hit snooze twice already." I reached my hand behind me and below his waist as swiftly he grabbed my wrist chuckling once more. "We have somewhere to be. If you hadn't slept in, I may have considered your advances." He pulled me on top of him as both legs straddled his waist and a gave a little wiggle in response.

"Well, I'm awake now," my voice was more groggy than expected and he tossed me back onto the bed and jumped out, tugging the blankets with him.
"Perfect, we leave for Sam's in 30 minutes." He gave me a look over and grinned. "I'd think about putting pants on, but that's just a suggestion."

"Can we..." I groaned out and he answered mid sentence.

"Breakfast on the way, yes, but it'll be a 2 hour drive to the Denver airport." I just sat in bed watching him tug on a pair of jeans and a navy marled crew neck pullover. The sweater I loved, because it made his eyes rival the depths of the ocean. He looked in the mirror and grabbed his glasses off of the dresser as he stepped into the bathroom.

"I love you." I called out to him and he popped his head back into view, messy hair and stubbled face.

"I'd love if you got out of bed Eleanor." He sassed back before making his way into the living room. "I'm taking the bags to the car downstairs." He shouted and I heard his footsteps echo back. A yawn escaped me as the snooze alarm blared again reminding me to get ready.

After a long predawn drive and an easy flight we had made it to Minnesota. Jack's cabin was everything I had imagined it would be and more, and I couldn't contain the giddy smile as we turned down the gravel path and parked out front. Daniel and I were both in the front of the rented Land Rover and Sam was in the back still napping. I giddily wiggled my toes in my new boots and looked out the window. The maples were on full display in molten golds and flaming reds with the breeze of the wind the car produced shaking them off branches and swirling behind us. My left hand reached out and grazed his forearm he had glued to the gear shift.

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