Chapter 29

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I stood there at the door of the Jackson's apartment clutching a bottle of champagne and a box of apple pie from the grocery store around the corner. My mama would've smacked me silly if she knew I had debated showing up to an event empty handed, so I had swung by last minute and was now an hour later than I had anticipated. My knuckles hit the black lacquered door again just as it swung open. Eleanor's warm bubbly face popped into view.

"Oh wonderful, you made it! I was growing worried." She ushered me in and I heard the soft lilting of Auld Lang Syne echoing around the house under the buzz of laughter and muffled voices combining together. "How was the drive? The snow is drifting heavier than I had anticipated unfortunately. You found parking okay?" She took my coat and scarf and tucked them into the closet by the front door.

"Fine fine thank you," I held out the pie and champagne and her eyes grew.

"Cam, you didn't have to go out of your way for this. But, I'm glad you did." She beamed. "I'm a sucker for an apple pie. I'll set it in the kitchen, come grab a plate and we'll get you a seat. Janet was telling us some of her best stories about Jack's visits to her med suite." I followed her through the brick hallway and into the galley kitchen where boxes and tins of barbecue and macaroni were piled high, mashed potatoes and vegetables all spread out amongst pies and pastries galore and she cracked a bottle of beer and offered it over. I graciously took the liquid courage, noticing the spread made my small store bought pie look shameful. But, she grabbed a porcelain plate from the cabinet and put the pie tin on it making room among the other delicacies there.

"This looks fantastic," I took a paper plate and began piling on the meal.

"It's no Kansas City barbecue but it's fairly good." She and I shared that midwestern homesick feeling of comfort food.

As I followed her into the open living room a small laugh bubbled up from me. I was not sure what I had anticipated but, their home exceeded it. Large floor to ceiling windows pressed in brick and white stucco were overlooking the streets framed in fragrant evergreen garlands. There were tapestries on the walls mixed with tribal masks and ancient weaponry, black glossy bookshelves stretched to the tall ceilings and took up an entire wall filled with stacked novels and vases, pressed flowers and ornate tools. Here in the center of it all the heart of the SGC sat lounged with one another in merriment and comradery. Teal'c was leaning back, the first time I had ever seen him comfortable since I got here, in a large wingback chair. Sam Carter had her legs draped over the now General Jack O'Neill's lap as he pulled another beer from the case next to him, cracked it and offered it to her. Janet Fraiser was perched on a collection of pillows on the floor, telling a story that held everyone captivated, sloshing a glass of wine around as she her hands fluttered in the air. In the corner laughing in an inebriated grin was Dr. Bill Lee as Daniel, equally glassy eyed and humored, held him up. Dried orange slices and a cranberry rope wound around a small tree in the back corner by an old wooden writing desk with a twinkling star on top.

"Here Cam," she broke my gaze and tapped down on the leather couch. "Get comfortable."

"Am I the last one then?" I took my place and a flutter of sadness crossed her face before she quickly changed back.

"Yes, but I'm hoping that Jonas will be here next year to celebrate with us. If all goes well with the negotiations that is."

"No work talk," Sam booed from across the room and Eleanor's face flushed.

"One last work talk, and I'll be done." She walked over and grabbed a half empty glass from Daniel's hand filled with something amber and bubbling. "Here's to General Jack O'Neill and Colonel Samantha Carter. No one deserves this as much as you both do." She gave a cheeky crinkle of her nose to Sam who winked back and we all cheered in agreement. I didn't know these people, only on paper, but they felt like a family. The struggles they faced, the fears and trials their daily work life provided didn't seem to burden them, or at least they hid it well. Everyone out of uniform and relaxed, stitched together by the secret of what our day jobs entailed. Somehow though, through the smiles and elbow nudges it felt like they were friends regardless of their work, not because of it. A new song started and Daniel clumsily rose holding his hand out for her.

"Don't you dare Daniel." She shushed him and he only seemed more emboldened.

"My darling wife. Who put this all together for us, and who I would only be half a man without," he leaned in for a kiss and she obliged as he brought her down into a dip and a collection of hollers and claps echoed through the room. She giggled in amusement as he went to walk to the kitchen and tripped over his own feet on the way.

"No more drinks for you Daniel," she called as she chased after him. Jack urged Janet to continue on with her stories and we all sat around listening to her retelling of the multiple times Jack's body seemingly disappeared, or his teenage clone.

There was a clang of pots in the kitchen and Daniel came briskly walking back in, taking a seat across me on the couch laughing, red lipstick still smudged on his lips and his hair tousled with a lopsided grin. Teal'c's brow rose and without a beat Janet continued on. Eleanor came back out and fussed around the room, refilling drinks, passing out desserts, and finally curled into Daniel's lap taking in everything around her. His arms wrapped around her waist, head resting on her shoulder, as it was Sam's turn now telling about when she and Jack took Teal'c to the movies for the first time.

The night went on for a few more hours and Janet left first with Bill not far behind. When my watch hit close to midnight I took that as my time to leave. Jack was halfway through a story about how he encountered a Daniel in an alternate timeline who was somehow quirkier than ours, and I got up to give Eleanor my thanks as she was boxing up the food in the kitchen. She pushed a plate of leftovers onto me to take home and I again gratefully accepted. She walked to the door and handed me my coat and scarf. I was halfway out before she told me to wait and rummaged around the closet. Pulling out a navy blue gift bag with shimmering cream tissue paper she handed it over to me, eyes sparkling with a heady mix of anticipation and delight.

"Thank you," I swallowed, "I uh, I didn't bring anything for you all. Was this a swap or?" She only smiled warmly back and ushered for me to open it in the doorway. I did as instructed, and pulled a small oak frame out. Inside were two patches, an SG-1 team patch and the other had my name. I felt a tight squeeze form in my chest and I looked back at her placing the frame in the bag once more.

"Welcome to the family," she took my hand in hers and it struck me. As a fighter pilot, a test pilot even, I usually flew alone. Sure I was on a team, we were comrades and looked out for one another, but in the plane I was alone.

"Just temporarily." I hadn't realized I'd said the thought aloud until she gave me a small squeeze in return.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that."

"My love, where are our mead reserves?!" I heard a shout from the back of the apartment.

"It better not be for you," she called in return, "or I'll have to carry you to bed!"

"Don't tempt me with a good time." He began walking back from the kitchen to her and she reddened.

"I should tend to him, good night Cam and drive safely." She closed the gap between us as I heard a playful gasp come from behind the door followed by, "Daniel Jackson! How very dare you! We have company." And his laughter echoed as I walked down the hall.

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