Chapter 18

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When I awoke my head felt like a leaden weight bobbing on the surface of a vast ocean threatening to sink down. My eyes sluggishly rolled from one end to the other taking in what seemed to be a cheap motel room. Stains on the yellowing walls, maroon bedding, and yet my eyes were still adjusting. My hands and feet were bound, thankfully I was still in all my clothes. I could smell the bonfire in my hair, but a rough handkerchief was tied around my mouth as a makeshift gag. Somehow my body had been hauled and thrown onto one of the two beds in the room. There was no one in the room with me, and once the recognition hit I started slamming my feet against the wall my bed bordered and attempted to scream. However, some time passed and clearly there was no answer to my crying out. I had attempted to wiggle off the bed to get to my feet. I thought if I could just make it outside, I could find a lobby if this indeed was a motel, and seek out safety. My body thudded to the ground in a painfully swift motion down and the way I had been tied, I had no real position to get to my feet. A man walked in from outside wearing a gray suit and a head of curly dark hair, my body flipping like a dying fish at his feet.

"Ms. Owens I presume?" He looked at me with annoyance and motioned for the two men behind him to close the door and prop me up. One of the men removed the gag and the other set me in a chair binding me upright. "You're not doing yourself any favors." I didn't respond. Instead my lip snarled and my eyes darted between him and the two other men. "We can do this all day Ms. Owen's but time isn't on your side."

"Why is that?" My muddled voice strained out.

"You only have about 46 hours to live. In four or five hours your body will begin shaking uncontrollably, after that you'll grow clammy. At the halfway point you'll be unable to speak, so I suggest that you start now." He tapped on his watch.

"Who are you?" My head flopped around taking in more of the room. There was a metal rolling cart with operation utensils laid out next to my former bed, and another man in a mask walked in, snapping his latex gloves on.

"I'm Agent Porter," he leered, "now, Ms. Owens I'm going to need some answers from you and I anticipate that you'll be helpful or else things will hurt more than they need to."

"I don't have any information, and you'll find I'm very stubborn." I meant to come across as headstrong and menacing but my groggy voice didn't have the effect I had hoped for. He chuckled and grabbed my face to look at him.

"I think we have some methods to make you more apt to talking." He let go and motioned to the man to put me back on the bed and left the room.

"What are you doing with me?" I asked as I struggled against him and he injected me with something once more.

"Where did you get the time travel device?" He questioned back behind the mask.

"Like Back to the Future?" I played dumb. "Doctor Who? I don't understand." He pulled the metal table up against the bed and arranged the tools.

"Once again, before you pass out, where is the time device you used?" His voice sounded bored and a shiver went through my spine at how nonchalant he was now.

My eyes grew heavy and I let out a simple, "I... dunno..."


I was speaking with General Hammond about a potential new ambassador program that Langara had in talks with other gated civilizations. The Chancellor had discussed the concept with me and asked if I would be willing to stay back Earthside and work with Stargate Command on an earth representative to partner with me. Jackson's name had come up, but Hammond wasn't willing to part with him and I could understand why. In that moment Major Davis knocked on the door and stepped in.

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