Chapter 25

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"Explain this to me like I'm an idiot, because I'm still not getting it." Jack stood in the middle of my lab next to Teal'c as I showed him the calculations and the charts we had all mapped out. Eleanor and Daniel were five days into their honeymoon, and I had devoted the week to what was laid out in front of us.

"The idea is that a bubble has held from the original timeline at the exact point she jumped and like when a bubble collects on a plastic hoop or wand and air blows into it, or the energy from that jump, is causing it to expand and encompassing more into it now until it pops on it's own and everything is gone." I tried to be as delicate in this relaying of information as I could. I walked over to the board and wrote a few notes down looking back at diagrams we had printed out she drew. "It all stems from Daniel's remote. The tether was between them both through that. He died, she brought him back by in turn momentarily dying. Both of their energy is stored in the metal of that remote. The remote that he used to jump here, at the moment the remote would have been used, in a timeline where there was no remote. So, when her timeline ended, she couldn't because Daniel and his remote were an acting lifeline back to her like an anchor. All of that concentrated energy was being slowly sucked through the gate in that first jump. When she then jumped back here that energy exploded and poured into the bubble back here."

"When is the next projected collapse?" Teal'c asked.

"We're not sure, thankfully it has only been minor celestial bodies, nothing inhabited that we are aware of. But," I paused and Bill Lee picked up.

"It will be."

The evidence was all there, it was in front of us and yet it made my stomach fall to the floor. My bottom lip was growing bloody from the gnawing away I had been doing the past few hours. Bill, Coombs, and Felger stood there equally as stunned as my shaky breathing centered me. I tried to find something to hold onto, something I could use to just disprove my calculations but math was very rarely wrong. Even McKay had an uncomfortable look on his face at the news.

"Someone has to tell the General," he squeaked out. "It's clear as day now what's going on."

"And, and, and," Felger leaned against the table and Coombs handed him a bottle of water to sip on. "And we went through every journal, every," he swallowed, grasping at straws, "every note in the margins? Every drawing?"

"The way Jacob described it," Jack murmured, "is written there. It's how she described it to Hammond and I in her report. It's the same."

"You have to call them." McKay sputtered. "Clearly she has to go back through to her time or else we're all gone."

"No, no we can figure out some other way." I shook my head in disbelief. "We're not just sending her to her grave. We don't do that. I will not do that."

"Do you think she knew?" Coombs asked.

"No, what? How would she have known?" Bill looked at him as if he had grown another head.

"Before, she had the ancients knowledge and the Asgards took it away. Do you think she knew then what she had caused? Because it feels like a bread crumb trail right back to this." He clarified.

"I don't think so." I said honestly. "I think her primary motive was just to stay alive. Why would she then bring the same thing here? No. But I think subconsciously she made a failsafe to stop it."

"I'll talk to Hammond tomorrow morning," Jack blew out a puff of air and looked up at the ceiling. "You all figure out a way to reverse the polarity or whatever you do so Daniel doesn't lose his shit and we can get this resolved. I really don't want the only option to be sending this woman back to her death."

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