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February 2005


A month had passed, Jack was acting general of the SGC and although he was doing everything he could, we couldn't devote the time and resources to solely finding Eleanor. He had promised that we would get her back, that he would do everything in his power, but it wasn't enough. I stood now waiting for the gate to open from Kelowna. Jonas had no idea of what had transpired since his last visit, and the funds to keep monthly visits for the sake of diplomacy had finally kicked in. Teal'c, Sam and Mitchell were standing behind me, watching as the gate swirled open and my old friend walked out dressed in gray garbs from his homeland, a weekender bag in hand and a big cocky grin spread across his face.

"Hey dickheads, I'm back!" Jonas gloated as he stepped onto the grate.

"Hello Jonas," I mustered a semblance of a happy face for him and he gave me a look over. My hands shifted to my pockets and I reached around for the small brass compass, tracing over every groove and dent.

"If you wind up lost, you can find your way home to me." Her voice rang through my mind.

"Who died Daniel? Move out of the way, I need to see my favorite Jackson." He looked around his face starting to drop while I stood there, staring back at him unable to form the words. "Where is she?"

"Jesus, this guy can't read a room," Mitchell turned to Sam and they exchanged looks.

"Eleanor Jackson is missing." Teal'c came in with his normal bluntness, and though I'm sure it felt like a punch to Jonas' gut at the news it was oddly comforting that I didn't have to say it. "It is presumed she has been taken by Anubis." Jonas' eyes darkened, his mood instantly shifting. I knew in the six months they had gotten to know one another a friendship bloomed. Two humans that didn't truly fit in our world, but made it so much more beautiful because of them. This Jonas was someone I didn't recognize now. Even keeled, goofy Jonas was replaced by this rath filled entity and I needed our team.

"Suit up, we're going through the gate." Mitchell tossed a radio to him and Jonas caught it with a quick jog off to change, no questions asked. He fell right back into old habits of the SGC smoothly. The speakers crackled on and I looked up to see McKay, Bill Lee, Felger and Coombs standing around Walter up in the control room.

"Prometheus will meet you when you jump through, she's already suited up with the tech." McKay's voice rang out and Mitchell answered with a thumbs up. "Jackson, you have that amplifier I gave you?" I pat my shoulder pocket and nodded. "I'm going to need you to keep that on, at all times you understand me? All times." I gave a solitary nod back as my left thumb ran over the golden band on my finger.

"You okay Daniel?" I heard the real question behind Sam's query. She wanted to make sure my head was in the mission, one slip up and we would be done.

"Right as rain."

Jonas came back, stood next to me, and the gate churned. Walter shouted out each chevron locked, and the seventh symbol clanked into place as the flush of the wormhole kawooshed out.

"Alright boys, and Carter," Mitchell quickly corrected, "we have a few system lords to take down." One by one we crossed the gate. I looked up at Jack watching from his office above, my first real mission without him, knowing there would never be another with him by my side and he gave me a mock salute. I returned the gesture and walked through the event horizon.

March 2005


The leather sandals on my feet slapped against the pavement, the birds flew off the pale blue petaled trees with each running thud. I grabbed the door of the coffee shop before it closed and the small bell chimed as I held it open for the little elderly woman and her small grandchild casually walking out. The woman gave me a tender smile and she clutched onto the child's hands. Reflexively I placed my own hand on the small bump forming on my lower stomach. I tucked in after the woman made a space and waited to place my order.

Events on the Horizon: A Stargate Sequel Where stories live. Discover now