Chapter 19

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We had already passed 8 other doors in the rundown outdoor motel when I burst into her room in the breaking of dawn. She was lying curled in a ball on the plastic covered mattress in her pants and a black t-shirt. Her hair was disheveled and she had pure exhaustion written across her face. My eyes met hers and she let out a small gasp. I signaled to Teal'c and Barrett on the other side of the motel looking into rooms and they came running. I shut the door behind me to keep out the windy draft and went over to her flipping out my knife and working on her binding.

"This isn't a good look for you El," the sawing from my blade against the plastic zip tie cuffs cutting into her wrists was a small countdown to release. "I don't know about Daniel, but I don't enjoy seeing you tied up."

"Where is SG-1?" Her voice was frantic as her eyes shifted around to the windows. It was then I noticed the blood soaked bandages around her upper arm.

"What happened to you?" I asked gently and her eyes narrowed in on mine in question. "Sam is back on the Prometheus in orbit trying to find a way around the jamming signal the rogue NID have on your bio tracker. Teal'c is just outside the door, and Jack and Daniel are in an old warehouse down the road where your gps chip pinged." 

"Jack and Daniel?" Her bottom lip wavered as if she were in thought but nothing could come out. As the cord snapped releasing her arms, she reflexively rubbed around the sore red marks slashing across them. I helped her back to sitting position while I worked on the cuffs at her ankles.

"Jack's pretty pissed about the location of his cabin being compromised and wants blood for it." There was a knock on the door and I saw Agent Barrett walk in.

"Ms. Owens?" His voice was calm and collected but her eyes grew wide and turned back to me.

"No, no." Her legs gave way once I freed them and I took a step back to give her some room. She fumbled toward me and I caught her near collapse onto the floor helping her back up. 

"Let's take a moment. Obviously there is something still in your system keeping your body in a weak state." Her hands gripped onto my bulletproof vest and her pupils dilated as she looked at me. Trying to fixate on something based in reality.

"Tell them to get out. Tell them to leave. All of you leave." Her head turned to the front door in fear and I set her back onto the bed while her entire body trembled. "I haven't said anything, and I won't say anything."

"Hey, you're safe now. I'm not letting anything happen to you. Take a breath. I'll radio the Prometheus and pull them out." My walkie was mounted to my left shoulder and I reached over to speak into it, but there was no reply. I tried once more but it was only met with silence. "Wait here, we'll get this settled."

"Not with him," she looked back at Barrett and then to me as she stood and walked back to my side. "Jonas, please."

"I'm Agent Barrett, I work with the NID. The good branch I guess you could say," he awkwardly reached a hand out and she went to knee him in the groin and reached for his gun holstered at his side. He doubled over and she rushed for the door armed and ready before I grabbed her and held her against my chest squirming. I took the gun from her and she reared her head back attempting to smash it into my nose.

"You're feisty," I grunted back, letting her finally go.

"There is no good branch of the NID." She spat back.

"I'm not letting him come near me." Barret stood back to his feet coughing and watery eyed.

"What the fu..." he looked back at her. I gave Barrett his pistol and a look motioning back to the door. He nodded and left, still tugging at his pants as she glared him down. I didn't blame her, who knows what happened to her in this room, bound up and taken against her will when she was supposed to be on vacation. When she finally felt safe.

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