Chapter 14

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Sooah's POV:

Gosh, the network in our school sucks.
I needed to call mom about something but this fcking network wouldn't let me.

I was trying to reach out my mom when I heard Jin's voice.

I looked up from my phone to find Jin yelling at Yuna..

The fck- no one, and I mean, NO ONE YELLS AT MY BFF!

"Jin! Yuna!"

I ran towards them.

"What's going on here??" - Sooah

"None of your business, Min Sooah-shii" - Jin

"Sorry, Kim Seokjin-shii, but you yelling at MY best friend IS MY BUSINESS" - Sooah

"So..sooah-yah, it's fine..let's go from here..." - Yuna

I turned to face her but her teary eyes just shattered my heart.

"Yuna.. you're crying..." - Sooah

"Please- let's just go from here.." - Yuna

I took one last glance at Jin and glared at him.

I'll see you later, Kim Seokjin.

I grabbed Yuna's arms and walked towards the school.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Yuna-yah...stop crying, please. You know tears don't suit your pretty face.." I said as I hugged her.

"Soo..Sooah... I must be a really bad lover, right? It was definitely a bad idea for...for him to give me a chan- " - Yuna

I felt so bad for her. She was crying so badly that she could barely complete her sentence.

I wiped her tears and hugged her more tightly.

"Shh..calm down now. You're not the wrong one here. And who does he think he is to give YOU a chance, huh? He's nothing but a self-obsessed creep. Stop wasting your tears on him." - Sooah

"He's not a self-obsessed creep. It's obvious for him to be like this, I mean just look at his face." - Yuna *takes out her phone to show her pictures*

"Wah, wah. Look at you defending your 'boyfriend' and fighting your best friend over him. Wow, Hong Yuna, so the tables have turned, huh?" - Sooah

"I- just shut up" - Yuna *playfully nudges her*

I laughed and then again hugged her, "someone is flustered~ Hahah!"

"It's nothing like that. Let go of me" - Yuna

"Not until until you smile." - Sooah

I knew she was holding back her laugh, and you think she could hold on for long? WRONG! She burst out immediately and chuckled with me.

"There it is! Now let's go and have some street food. I'm so hungry that I can eat everything in the stalls." - Sooah

"Pfft- Let's go then."

I held her hand and we both headed out of the school to get some food.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Bye Sooah-yah!" - Yuna

"Bye Yuna-yah! And don't you dare cry over him again!!" - Sooah

"Yea yea, bye!~" - Yuna *giggles*

I took out my phone to call my mom since I kinda got busy with all the Yuna stuff and forgot to call her, hehe.

'The number you have dialled is currently busy. Please try again later.'

Probably talking with someone. So, let's call my dear 'oppa'.

"What do you want?" - Yoongi

"Can't you drop your rude tone with me for once, my dear brother?" - Sooah

He sighed, making me hold back my laugh.

"Just say it, why did you call? And where are you? I thought you were coming back home before me." - Yoongi

"Well, I was with Yuna. And I'm heading home now so ask Eomma if she wants me to buy something. I would've just asked her but her phone is busy so pleeeeeease my dear brother"

"Just stop calling me that. And no, she doesn't cause I already got the things she needed. So just hurry back home. She seems to be waiting for you."

"Waiting for me?... ok then, see ya bro."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Eomma! I'm back!" - Sooah

"Sooah! Where have you been??" - Mrs.Min

"You know the competition was this morning so- " - Sooah

"So? I thought you weren't participating?" - Mrs.Min

"I never said I am. Yoongi 'oppa' and my friends are participating. So I went to cheer for them." - Sooah

"Such a waste of time if you're not a participant." - Mrs.Min *sighs*

"If so, then why didn't you come back with your brother?" - Mrs.Min

"Well,, I was hanging out with Yuna." - Sooah

"Seriously Sooah? Don't you have tests in a week?? And now you're attending some music competitions and hanging out with your friend???? Is this how you waste your time before exams?????" - Mrs.Min

"Eommaaa, don't worry. I'm fully prepared for the upcoming tests. And, before studying I should relax a bit right??" - Sooah

She sighed, "do whatever you want. But if you dare to come to me with bad grades, you'll see what wasting your time will do to you." - Mrs.Min

I stayed silent.....
What could I say anyway?
I know what she would do if I scored less than 97%. Heck 97%, I can't even imagine getting less than 99%...

"Give her break now. She doesn't always have to be top and you know that too, eomma." - Yoongi

"Son, you- " - Mrs.Min

"Don't worry eomma.. I will bring 100%" saying that, I went to my room and closed the door.

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To be continued

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