Chapter 17

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Yuna's POV:

I was washing my hands after doing my business in the washroom.

"Well, well, look who we have here. My dear, ex-bestie."

I sighed, hearing her voice. I was gonna walk past her but ofcourse, if only it was that easy.

Her minions blocked my way. I took a deep breathe and turned to face her.

"What is it that THE KIM AREUM wants to speak with me about?" - Yuna

"Don't you think you're flying a little too much, Yuna? Ever since you started hanging out with that Sooah. And even more ever since you started dating Kim Seokjin??" - Areum

"It's not called 'flying too much', Areum. It's called being with the right people." - Yuna

She bursted out laughing.

"Oh gosh, Yuna. You're really funny, y'know." - Areum *signals her girls to leave*

She came closer to me after sending her minions out.

"Do you really think your 'right people' will still be there with you after knowing the real you?" - Areum

"The real Yuna who loves nothing and no one more than popularity?" - Areum

"C'mon, Yuna-yah. We had been bffs for long enough for me to know the real you. And I know it too that.... " - Areum

"That?.." - Yuna

"That you befriended Min Sooah because you knew being with a topper and her group would give you both popularity and advantage." - Areum

"No... you're wrong- " - Yuna

"Oh yea? Then what about you running after pretty men like Seokjin so you could be known as the school's IT boy's girlfriend??" - Areum

"That last guy was smart enough to understand your intentions. But your 'friends' were so stupid that they actually believed your fake tears" - Areum *laughs*

"Just shut the fck up!" - Yuna

"You know nothing about me, Kim Areum." With that, I pushed her and was about to walk out of the washroom.

"You're right. Just like your current friends don't know the real you. Just wait till they know you. And it won't take them a second to ditch you." - Areum

She intentionally bumped my shoulder and walked out, leaving me all alone with my thoughts.

Areum's POV:

"Areum-ah, what are you gonna do now?" - Kyunghee

"What is the next test we have and when?" - Areum

"Uhm, physics test. This upcoming Friday." - Hana

"Physics, huh? The one Min Sooah hates most?" - Areum

"Oh please, who doesn't hate that?" - Kyunghee

I smirked, already deciding my next plan.

"Kyunghee, you can copy one's handwriting, right?" - Areum

"Yeah? Why?" - Kyunghee

"Seems like I might need a little help." - Areum *smirks*

~time skip~

Author's POV:

"Hey, Sooah right?" A random boy came to her desk.

"Uhh, who are you?" - Sooah

"Myself - Na Kyungmin. We're in same class, y'know.." - Kyungmin

"Ahh, right. So, may I help you?" - Sooah

"Actually, I needed some notes regarding the physics test this Friday. So.. I was hoping if I could take your notebook." - Kyungmin

"Why mine, though?" - Sooah

"Why not? You're the class topper. Plus, the teachers always recommend all of us to learn from you. So.. maybe your notes will be much helpful than ours." - Kyungmin

"So.. if you don't have a problem, can I? Don't worry, it won't take long!" - Kyungmin

"Uhm- okay.. but please make sure to return it by today. I'll need it to study tonight." - Sooah *gives him the notebook*

"I'll return it to you before school ends. Thanks!" - Kyungmin *leaves the classroom*

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Here you go. But what are you gonna do with it, sis?" - Kyungmin

"I just need it. I'll tell you later." - Kyunghee

"Okay. But make sure not to mess up anything." - Kyungmin

"Uh-huh. Bye~" - Kyunghee *leaves*

Jisoo's POV:

"WHAT?? You gave him your notebook JUST LIKE THAT????" - Jisoo

"Yah! Lower your voice. And so what? He just wanted classnotes. Not like he gonna do something evil." - Sooah

"This girl- Do you even know who Na Kyungmin is???" - Jisoo

"Our classmate?" - Sooah

I face-palmed, "pabo-ya, he's Na Kyunghee's cousin! Na kyunghee!! Kim Areum's minion!!"

"And?" - Sooah

"What if you get in trouble?!" - Jisoo

"Jisoo-ah, you're worrying too much now. I don't think it's anything that serious." - Sooah

"Whatever you say. Just be careful, ok?" - Jisoo

"You know no one is more careful than me. And whatever will happen, I'm pretty sure I can handle it." - Sooah

"Over confident -_- " - Jisoo

She giggled hearing me.

Areum's POV:

Laugh all you want, Min Sooah.

Because the next time, you'll only keep crying.

♧ ♧ ♧ ♧ ♧ ♧ ♧

To be continued

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