Jordan fucking Fuller

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Cynthia felt her heavy eyes being forced to open themseleves at the sound of her alarm. She whinned slightly but knew she was going to have to get up eventually. She sat herself up as she picked up her phone, a walpaper of her and Kayla, she smiled, she saw the time, 7:00, yes, plenty of time to get ready and not rush herself.
It was her first day of school after summer break, summer break was long, annoying and boring for her, she spent it with her rich uncle in Canada but he was a snob and no fun so she spent most of summer on her phone, at the gym or reading which was a waste of sun.
She was mostly exited to see Kayla again, Kayla was her best friend and the first person she'd ever came out to who supported her instantly.
Cynthias door suddenly then got frantically knocked on, she groaned as she knew it was her brother, Nicholas.
"WHAT DO YOU WANT NICK." He swung the door open and had that stupid smirk on his face. "Umma said wake the fuck up." He said kicking my door for absolutely no reason. She looked to him with an infuriating death stare, her Korean 42 year old mother who's strictly catholic told her to wake the fuck up? Obviously not, but nick was just a jackass so he had to add in the fuck of course.
"Get out." She said in a fed up voice with absolutely no energy for his bullshit. She got up and walked to the door slamming it in his face. "Oh and remember I sold my car last week, so Jordan's picking us up." He said through the door and kicked it for no reason once again.
"Jordan fucking Fuller oh my god." Cynthia mumbled to herself, Jordan was tall but not too tall, brunette short curly hair, a nose stud that did her good, beautiful brown eyes and she played soccer too so it just put that cherry on-top, she dressed like an american jock but for some reason she did it better than any guy out there.
She walked downstairs after getting ready, she was wearing a short beige crop top , which had a light pink star on it that matched her pink and white Jordan's, she had on baggy white cargos too, her backpack was white and small and her jewellery was simple too not too much flash.
She kissed her umma and appa goodbye as she grabbed a pop tart and ate it on the way out, Jordan had a golf, a simple car like most people in the grade.
"HURRY THE FUCK UP CYTHNIA" Nicholas shouted from the car as the window was down, she groaned and rolled her eyes as she walked up to the car and opened the door to the back seat, she sat in and closed the door. Jordan turned back to her from the drivers seat and smirked. "You sure you don't want the front seat cynth? I'll make doofus switch, just for you" she said in a flirtatious tone. Jordan and Nicholas had been best friends since 1st grade so Jordan got used to seeing Cynthia all the time, and even developed the nickname cynth, it was simple and really lazy but, it was kinda cute.
"Dude shut up and drive- and don't flirt with my sister-" nicholas replied laughing slightly towards the end. Jordan chuckled and started the car. Cynthia rolled her eyes at Nicholases meddling, Jordan was flirty towards a lot of girls like that but still, Cynthia liked it when it was towards her.

Cynthia stood Infront of her locker sorting out her books and stationery, cynthia was smart, really smart. She was especially good at biology and aspired to become a Neurosurgeon, and she'd let nothing get in the way of that. She felt an arm wrap around her and she smirked, she knew it was Kayla, she turned to her and her smile grew as did Kaylas, they squealed and hugged for about 10 seconds before letting go.
"Ugh my summer was so good I cannot wait to tell you all about it." Kayla said as she held both of Cynthia's hands. "Mine was like the opposite oh my fucking god it was so boring." Cynthia replied in a disappointed voice. Kayla sighed, "your uncle's rich how did you not have the time of your life up there." Cynthia gave her blank eyes. "He does nothing Kayla. He sits there and calls people all day, like why the fuck do people call him that much." Cynthia said laughing slightly. "Forget that do you know how much of a good kisser your brother is." Kayla said bluntly and openly.
Cynthia gave a fake and sarcastic gag. "I still can't wrap my head around the fact that you guys are dating it seriously grosses me the fuck out." Cynthia said in a whinny voice, Kayla rolled her eyes and opened her locker. "You rode in with him this morning did he say anything about me" Kayla asked hopefully. "Nah him and Jordan were just talking about the Mandela effect...god knows why." Cynthia said. Kayla laughed and then quickly turned to her. "Jordan? Is she still hot?" Kayla asked curiously. The funny thing was, was that Kayla was straight.
"Yup. Still going strong. She was flirting with me again this morning." Cynthia said as she couldn't help but smile to herself nervously biting her bottom lip. Kayla slapped her shoulder and shook her head. "No- ah uh" she shook her head. "We're not doing this again girl, she flirts with everyone shes being a jackass don't you dare fall for that bs."
Cynthia sighed and gave her a reassuring smile. "I know I know she's just cute that's all, I know better than to catch feels the fuck does this look like."

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