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Cynthia sat in bed on her phone scrolling through tiktok, not doing much in particular since it was Saturday and 9 pm. She then got a text from Maria, it was weird since Maria had been avoiding her all week after what happened, "open the front door im drenched." Cynthia smirked at her thoughts from reading that, it was immature of her but whatever, it was raining, so she assumed Maria was waiting outside her door, she walked downstairs and opened the front door and giggled as she was met by Maria who was drenched in rain wearing nothing but a t shirt and cargos.

"haha so fucking funny." she said in a whiny voice as she walked inside and shook about her wet curls like a dog. "fuck, if i knew it was gonna rain i woulda bought my jacket." she whined again licking her bottom lip and pulling her shirt foward so it would dry quick. "what are you doing here its 9 on a saturday shouldnt you be at band practice?" asked Cynthia. "It got cancelled, so i thought id come over since ive been a dick all week." she said with small heavy breaths from being out in the cold. "awh...i mean you were being super childish but, i bailed and that was on me, so again, im sorry."

Maria looked to her both of their light brown eyes looking into one another. "Its fine...i swear." she said with a sharp exhale, Cynthia smirked and glanced Maria up and down, "wana borrow one of my brothers hoodies since i know damn well your not touching my tops" said Cynthia. Maria shook her head and giggled, "yeah actually that'd be cool."

Later, after Maria had changed, they were watching cobra kai together, laughing and hanging out like nothing had happened. "BRO NO YOU DONT GET IT, I knew you wouldn't like it." screeched Maria. "they're 50 year old men beating eachother up over children's karate Maria-" replied Cynthia with a soft giggle at her stupidity. "you just dont get it its more than that its like-" Maria thought for a second, "LEGACIES!" She shouted. Cynthia just bursted out laughing at this, "THATS THE STUPIDEST THING IVE EVER FUCKING HEARD."

About an hour later they were both silently watching The kissing booth, which Cynthia obviously forced Maria to watch. Maria thought it was the funniest movie ever simply because of how stupid she thought it was. Cynthia had her focus on the TV while Maria was fidgeting with her hands cracking every little muscle she could to pass time, it bothered Cynthia as she was trying to focus, so while still staring at the screen she grabbed marias wrist and slolwy slipped her hand into hers, softly mumbling under her breath, "enough of that." Maria froze.

For the rest of the movie Maria was trying to keep her cool, Cynthias sly movement of hands or use of physical touch drove Maria crazy. "hey- its getting late should i head back?" Maria said in a low voice. "just sleep over its cool your uncle likes me and my family anyways." replied Cynthia, Maria gave her a 'fair point' nod and began to text her uncle telling him she was going to sleep over. "aight hes good with it." She said with an exhale as she got comfortable. "Mmhm." Cynthia mumbled as she rubbed Marias hands with her thumb with her eyes glued to the TV.

The movie was really starting to bore Maria so she groaned "oh my god can we watch something else? Like a good comedy movie, you ever seen kicking and screaming?" She said. "No and I don't plan to." Replied Cynthia gripping the remote in her other hand. "Please can we watch it it'll be worth your time I swear just gimme the remote." She shot back.

Cynthia shook her head and Maria leaned over and grabbed the remote, she then moved her arm higher so that Cynthia wouldn't reach it, "UGH- LET GO-" Cynthia placed one knee on the couch and the other leg still on the floor for momentum as reached upwards with her other hand and managed to grab a hold of Maria's wrist, neither of them realised how close they were getting until Cynthia looked down and they're lips were inches apart.

Marias heart was beating a million miles per hour, she wanted something to happen there and then but she was nervous, and it was evident, they stayed like that for a small comfortable silence. Cynthia couldn't help but smirk a bit. "You wanna give it back then or...?" Whispered Cynthia in a confident tone knowing she somehow had that power over Maria right now.

Maria smirked as she pressed "ok" on the remote, she'd already changed the movie during their little moment. "Yeah sure, once the movies done." Cynthia groaned and leaned back to her seat. "I already hate this movie."

Later, they'd finished the movie. "That was the funniest movie I've seen in a while." Said Cynthia with a genuine smile planted on her face. Maria smirked, she always knew the type of stuff Cynthia would and wouldn't enjoy.

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