Maria, shes always just been there

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Cynthia walked though the class and made her way to the back sitting down besides some kid who was sleeping, it was Maria. Maria was a bit taller than cynthia, she had light brown skin and soft curly hair which was medium length, she had the cutest smile known to mankind. She dressed y2k style but not female y2k style, like a y2k dude from the 90's but it looked good.

Cynthia smirked and giggled under her breath, she grabbed one of her books and wacked Maria over the head with it. "ARGH FUCK- THATS HARDBACK ASSHOLE- urGH..." Marias voice cracked as she lifted her head while rubbing it in pain. Cynthia laughed, "seriously? dude its the first day and your already sleeping in class." she said shaking marias shoulder frantically with her right hand. "im not sleepin' im chillin' with my eyes closed" she said casually before rubbing her eyes and letting out a soft groan and a small stretch. "how was your summer? I was manifesting it would go horrible for you, did my manifestations come true?" maria said sarcasitcally putting her upside down smile on display.

Cynthia let out a sarcastic laugh and rolled her eyes, "very funny, if you really must know my summer was bad but- im happy to be back especially because Jordan Fuller is increasingly flrity this year and i got a taste of it this morning" said Cynthia proudly. Maria eyes slowly both turned to cynthia but her head didnt turn, she had a "seriously?" look on her face and she shook her head in disapointment licking her bottom lip and picking up her pen, "if only we could all be as delusional as you Cynthia" she said in a tired voice, with that same upside down smile planted on her face. "shut up- your just jealous" replied Cynthia as they talked while they wrote.

"Your right...Cythnia Fuller is your new name and ahhh damn i wish it was Cynthia Alveraz instead" Maria shot back with a nuclear level of sarcasm, Cynthia side eyed her and smirked a bit which maria didnt see, "whatever helps you get up in the morning careful, if you actually like her that is." Marias tone went slightly serious when she said that. Cynthia couldnt help but smile a little, she quickly glanced Maria up and down, "thats cute pretty sure i can handle myself Maria, ill be fine i know what shes like, everyone does, plus i dont even like her shes just really cute thats all, and alot of people think that too so im not the only one." said Cynthia with a small shrug.

Maria bit down on her bottom lip, eyes on her paper, she just nodded slowly. "sure." she said with a hint of sarcasm but hints of petiness in her voice. "i dont like her, Mari." replied Cynthia, using marias nickname as she softly spoke to her. "two years of you gawking at her doing literally anything, objects to that im afraid." Maria rebuttled, Cynthia didnt say anything in retaliation, she just grabbed her book again and wacked Marias arm with it. "AH- quit that." she said while her voice unintentionally cracked again. Cynthia gave her a petty smile, "only if you quit being so sassy all the time about everything." Maria looked to her with an offended look, "did you just sass shame me...i am NOT sassy like, at all, at all." replied maria with a nuclear level of sass. Cynthia smiled at her stupidity.

"Oh by the way remember you gotta be at mine after school sharp 4 so we can finally watch Cobra Kai and you can convince me how not bad it is, but by the time we're done I'm still gonna think it's hot shit." Said Cynthia elbowing Maria teasingly. Maria chuckled, "I'll be there idiot."

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