Checking Boxes

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Cynthia was stood idly by her locker as she was on her phone, typing away so lost in her screen she didnt notice that Jordan had walked over and stood right next to her mimicking her position. "whatcha doin." she said suddenly making Cynthia jump a little and Jordan giggled slightly.

"none of your buisness." Replied Cynthia with a small smirk. "you makin' a bucket list? your the typa person to do that." Said Jordan sneaking a glance up and down at her. "what- what does that even mean?" Cynthia replied with a soft laugh. "Your a nerd thats what it means, but...If you DID have a bucket list what would you put on it?" asked Jordan.

"hmm, ok well, get into a good college, but that wouldnt be that hard for me, get my first kiss, go to Turkey, meet someone famous, and get my first girlfriend." she said nodding, satisfied with her list. "oh yeah? I could check some of those boxes for you." Jordan replied slowly with a small scheming smile.

"ion think thats your job." Replied Cynthia with a small laugh and some blush. "but what about you, jack harlow?" Cynthia called her Jack Harlow sometimes because of her hair. Jordan rolled her eyes at the nickname, as she leaned onto the locker next to her with her shoulder, to get slightly closer down at Cynthias height. 

"i wana...graduate, get my soccer scolarship and go pro then make sure my ma gets that range rover shes always wanted, I also wana go to Turkey so thats one thing in common, and get my first kiss, so thats another thing." Cynthias jaw dropped.

"Jordan Fuller hasnt had her first kiss oh my god your not serious." Cynthia said genuinley shocked. "nope...thats for your ears only though i think everyone just assumes I fuck around." Replied Jordan.

"because you do, your a flirt everyone knows it you were flirting with me like 20 seconds ago" Said Cynthia as she found herself copying Jordans body lanuage, also leaning her shoulder on the locker besides her. 

"I flirt, but never more than that, Ive just never fully liked a girl enough to kiss her or take her out, waiting for the right one I guess." She said with sincerity as they locked eyes for a quick comfortable silence. 

The bell rang just as Cynthia was about to say something, "oh shit- its gym class so ion wana be late, bye cynth." she leaned off the locker and messed up Cynthias hair before she smiled and walked off.  Cynthia quickly fixed her hair and sighed as she grabbed her books.

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