7. Save student Sudou

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(Y/n)= Your name

(L/n)= Last name

(H/c)= Hair color

(E/c)= Eyes color

(F/c)= Favourite color 

(Y/n) POV

Never a single day of boredom in the defective class D. The class was in an uproar after Chabashira-sensei announced to us that Sudou had gotten into a fight with some guys from class C a few days ago. The two sides involved gave two different conflicting stories. Sudou claimed that they attacked him first and he retaliated out of self-defense, while the three students from class C claimed he attacked them first. It was clear that one side was lying, but at this stage, I couldn't say which side did. If someone like Hirata was involved, it'd be easy to point the finger at class C, alas the guy involved is known to be a short-tempered musclehead, which made me wonder if they were targeting Sudou for that. It may be my biased opinion toward my classmate, but even so, I wanna believe in his innocence. 

From what he claimed they called him to the annex building, which from my one month of walking around the campus, had few cameras installed. It was already suspicious as to why going on from the gym to the annex building; Sudou, Komiya, and Kondou from class C were all members of the basket club but Ishizaki, so why did they bring him along?

The class was dismissed, and my classmates soon expressed their dissatisfaction toward Sudou, but Kushida intervened backed up by Hirata and Karuizawa, and changed the negative class atmosphere into one aiming to prove his innocence.

It was lunch break. Kushida, Kiyo, Horikita, Ike, Yamauchi, Sudou, and I went to the cafeteria 

"You seem to be involved in one problem after another, Sudou," Horikita sighed in exasperation.

"I'm sorry for causing trouble again Horikita. However, I wasn't the one at fault this time. I was really frustrated at those class C bastards."

As though it was someone else's problem, Sudou talked to Horikita in an indifferent tone.

"I'm sorry, but this time, I don't feel like helping."

Wow, who would've thought that Horikita would reject Sudou's request for help?

"The most important thing to class D in order to rise up is to take back the points we lost as quickly as possible. However, because of you, we probably won't be able to get any points. In other words, you've just messed up that plan."

You were missing the point, Horikita. By not helping him, we as members of his class will probably face consequences as well. And by plan, what did you mean? Were you aware of how we could increase our class points? If she couldn't come up with her own answers, class A would be still a mere dream for her.

"Wait a second. It's probably true, but I'm seriously not the one at fault! I only hit them because they provoked me first! What part of that is my fault!?"

"You keep saying that they started the fight, but it's nothing more than a trivial difference. Were you not aware of that?"

"Trivial my ass. It's completely different. I'm not the one to blame!"

"Is that so? Well, good luck," she grabbed her untouched tray and stood up.

"Are you not going to help!? Aren't we friends!?"

"Don't make me laugh. I've never considered you as a friend. I feel most uncomfortable when I'm with people who don't realize how stupid they are. Goodbye," Horikita sighed, looking more exasperated than angry, and left the room.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2023 ⏰

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