Chapter 1

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~~Author's note~~
This story involves someone kinda, I guess you could say: Anti-Christian, but through hard times is led into Christianity. Don't worry, she won't remain so rough or anti-Christian for too long
~~Story Begins~~

I scrolled through social media late at night trying to forget about about my failing grade in Mr. Thompson's class with another test tomorrow. If I could just get one passing grade above a 70 I'll pass her class, but if not I'll have summer school. This is the last test of the year before summer break! I should probably be studying but that's so boring. I'll just have to ask Makylla to let me in on a couple tips during the test.

We've cheated on many tests with each other, and not once have we gotten caught. With that plan in mind I finally put my phone down to go to sleep.

I woke up hearing my phone buzz and it feels like I only just closed my eyes. I sat up to stop the alarm and began digging into the chocolate chip pancakes that my mom had left for me on my bedside table.

I drizzled the maple syrup all over the delicious food and placed the half empty jar down. As soon as I finished eating I quickly did my face care and got dressed into a cute aesthetic white top and some flares. I put my long brown hair up in a cute bun with only my curtain bangs flowing down to my cheeks. I grabbed my bag and ran to the stairs.

"Morning mom!" I called out as I slid down the railings.

"Morning Jessie!" She cheerfully answered.

"Hey sis! Is it time to go to school?" My 12 year old sister asked.

"You bet," I told her before turning to my mom, "Did dad have to leave early today?"

"Yeah, he had a meeting he had to get to, and here, in case you get hungry," she said, handing both me and my sister two mini calzone wraps. Her mini calzone wraps are the best!

"Thanks mom! You're the best!" I said before giving her a kiss to the cheek and grabbing my keys and id from its hook on the wall. Katie thanked her as well and grabbed her backpack. I grabbed mine as well and we both walked out the door to get to my little blue car parallel parked on the side of the road.

I hop into the drivers seat and start the engine as Katie vaulted into the passenger seat. We both threw our backpacks into the back as I sped up to the 15 miles per hour limit permitted in the neighborhood.

Once we got onto the freeway, we both chowed down on our wraps as we drove listening to our favorite beats. I reached over to my soda but couldn't get the lid off with one hand. "Katie, can you get this open for me?"

"You bet," she answered reaching over to grab the bottle. She gave me the lid-less drink. After i got a sup and put it down, she put the lid on and we continued bobbing our heads to the rock music.

Suddenly another song came over the radio. I recognized it immediately and changed radio stations. "Ugh, why do they even bother putting that Christian stuff on the radio?" I grumbled.

Soon we arrived at Katie's school and she hugged me goodbye and grabbed her backpack. I drove off a few miles until i pulled into my school's parking lot. I raced inside to make it to class before the stupid bell had time to ring.

I sped around the corner and raced toward the door as quickly as I could speed walk. My hopes increased as I got closer and closer. But just as I entered the door , RIIIING RIIING RIIING!!! "Awe f-f-fudge sickles!!"

"You know where the tardy office is by now Ms. Bondriras," he grumbled. Why can't I just get here on time?! Lots of kids snickered as I walked out the door. I mumbled under my breath as I walked towards the main entrance.

"Oh, Jessie, not again," she greeted me.

"Yeah well, can't control the traffic around my sister's school"

"That you cannot, well you're a all set, go ahead and give this to you teacher so he'll know you visited me. And don't you forget to maybe leave your house sooner next time,"

"Yeah," I said before turning and mumbling, "yeah or maybe next time I'll give you this pass and tell you to shove it up your-"

"Oh hey Jess," a familiar voice said behind me.

I spun around awkwardly and said, "oh hey Zach, what're you doing here?"

"Late, same as you, how close were you?"

"In the classroom, just entered but couldn't get to my seat in time"

"Ah, did them other kids laugh at you again?"

"Ah well, you know Braydon, you can forget about him"

"Babe, don't worry, I'll threaten his football rank if he doesn't shape up, he values that more than his teeth"

"Thanks Bae," I said as we walked on towards the class. I can always count on Zach. He sent me into the classroom first before he came in. I handed Mr. Thompson the pass and he let me go on towards my seat.

Braydon and the others laughed again, but Zach came in angrily and stared them down as he handed the teacher his pass. He cracked his knuckles and all the laughter stopped. He silently took to his seat and sent Braydon a paper football with a message inside. I love having a strong, football captain, caring, easily angered boyfriend.

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