Chapter 17

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Ignoring the hysterical girl in front of me, I looked down, hopeful. I saw a single cracked chain section. That's it? "$%&*"

The man who had organized the farming thing came over and tried to comfort her. I huffed in disappointment and walked out the door to go see Katie. I need to make sure she's okay. I walked through the door and saw Katie along with five other women drenched in sweat. Her feet staggered as she and the others put all of their strength into pushing against the large metal bar. "Katie, shift's over," I called for her.

she looked over at me with a smile and slowly walked over. she breathed heavily alongside me and we slowly walked out together. She noticed the girl in the corner being helped up fromby a very tired, weak, and shaking at his own weight man. She didn't say anything and we walked out of the room together. Eventually everyone had stepped out of the building and the guard yelled, "Run!"

None of us had the remaining strength to run and we staggered over to him slowly. Thats when the girl with a broken foot fell over following a loud bang sound erupting in the cricket's chirping. "Run!" the guard who had shot her yelled.

Brimming with motivation to stay alive, we all found the strength to quicken the pace. We ran for at least 20 minutes before they finally ordered us into the same building that we had been in previously. We were instantly forced into a line where each of us was demanded to pull out a card.

Those who hadn't eaten earlier were faint from the day's work and hobbled to stand upright. Me and Katie were quick to draw our cards and one by one they each received a new hole punched into it. It was our biscuits from earlier.

I left mine with Katie as i went to the bathroom. I took my time until I heard a bowl hit the floor and shatter. I couldn't care less and decided to sit around until all the drama those #%$* were causing. Once about 15 minutes had passed I decided to step out and act like i hadn't just avoided whatever I had missed.

As soon as I moved the curtain all I could do was stare in shock and anger. The two men from earlier were sitting on our bed enjoying two biscuits each. Katie laid on the floor with a couple teeth laying beside her and a puddle of blood oozing from her bruised mouth.

Once the men saw me they stood up and walked to another bed saying, "All yours $#&*"

I walked over to my sister with so much anger I was convinced my ears would start blowing out steam of rage at any given point in time. I helped her up and I saw many more bruises along her arms, our bowls broken, her two of her front teeth knocked out, and another reason to %$#* &%$* those men.

I helped her into bed and decided that she could use some extra rest. I then noticed that tears strung down her face but she gave no audible reaction. After all my fellow inmates had fallen asleep, I found myself still sitting there on the side of the bed staring into the darkness.

As my hand ran over top of my jeans, I felt a small rectangular object in my pocket. I had forgotten about it but the small little Bible remained in my pocket. "I thought you wanted the best for me? I prayed several times and you answered. Universe, why do you do this to me?!" I mumbled in anger before slapping it to the ground.

With my anger slightly subsided, I laid down and tried to fall asleep.

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