Chapter 2

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"Now everyone grab a sheet of paper and a Number two pencil! Number the page to 23! The last three will be bonus questions! They will not count against you if wrong, but are mandatory!" He announced.

Mr. Thompson began the test and I flew through it, with some ASL-sent help. I stink at geometry. "Number 12" he said, and so on until we got to the last few. "Bonus question number 1. What country are we currently in war with?" Why does it even matter? It's not like it's involving us anyway. It's just some stupid fued, they'll get over it.

"Bonus question number 2. Who started this war?" It's us dingus, you know this! "And finally, bonus question number 3. who will finish it?" That's us too stupid!

"Us sir!" We heard a deep male voice yell from the doorway.

"Commander, what do i owe the pleasure?"

"We've already started an evacuation, the middle school is joining us here! We will be doing a full lockdown! Last names A through D follow me!"

Following his odd command, i stood up along with two other classmates. He led us into another room with 5 other people. I immediately ran over to one that i recognized as my sister Katie.

She looked at me with fear in her eyes. I asked her, "Hey what's up?" in ASL and she verbally replied.

"I saw their tanks coming this way! They're gonna kill us!"

I didn't bother responding but my breathing became quick as i heard a loud gunshot. They're in the building.

I as well as most others looked up at the military captain in fear with wide eyes. He held a finger to his lips and cocked his gun. We heard footsteps outside and my breathing quickened.

The footsteps grew louder and louder. Katie sunk into me shivering with tears running down her face. Then all of a sudden the footsteps stopped. I held my breath as I waited like a sitting duck. Then the door splintered in the center accompanied by a large metal blade sticking through.

Katie's eyes were fulled with hopeless, desperate eyes, as she looked up at me. The blade disappeared into where it came from only to reappear, breaking through the thick wooden door in another place.

With another blow, a hole big enough to fit a hand through was made. Then a hand appeared in the hole and it threw a small white box into the room. As soon as it hit the floor the room was filled with white smoke. I held my breath and watched the others in the room fall over unconscious or dead. Everyone else in the room had already fallen but me, and i couldn't hold my breath any longer. I looked down at Katie, for likely the last time before i released my nose from my hand's grip.

I began to cough and exhale largely but my mind became foggy. The world around me blurred and i could feel myself falling backwards. The last thing i remember thinking was: goodbye.

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