Untitled Part 12

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I walked in the door and quickly claimed a stool over at the wall. The smell of fresh pasta mixed with the air, but was polluted by the smell of my sweat. Katie came over and handed me an old-looking cup filled with lukewarm water saying, "You sure put in for the day"

"Sure did, how long are we here for?"

"I'm not sure, but don't taste test anything okay"

"I just think I might, it smells delicious," I said with a little bit of my good mood showing. I should probably show it to her more often anyway.

"No seriously, the other man had a whip put to his leg like you had for taste testing a singular noodle. on another note though you seem to be in a good mood"

"Just the alone time I guess," I covered. I still can't let her think I've gone soft.

She walked back over to her job before she was caught slacking and I decided I didn't want to be caught slacking either. I grabbed my cup and brought it up to be refilled before going back outside to act like I had anything left to do.

I sat down on the stump and took a few minutes with my head down to cool down. Two hours of splitting wood can really do it to you. It can work up an appetite too. I thought about munching on the grass but I have no idea who's been there before I was.

I quickly became bored and my fingers began to tap against the stump. I reached my hand back and I felt it touch something not made of wood. I looked over to the miniature Bible to my side I flung my hand off of it and decided to walk around.

I look over at the fence and decide to find out if it's eclectic. I'm not stupid enough to touch it but I did grab a flake of wood and flung it to the metal-wired fence. It crackled and flung back past me almost hitting my shoulder before hitting the wall and falling. "Okay, so... it's electric"

I paced for a few minutes when I heard a booming thunder in the sky. "$#@*. Looks like I should head in before it starts raining" I walk towards the door but something catches my eye to the side. It's the Bible Yatrinya and Mark had given me. I'd hate for the thing to get wet. I'll take it with me to keep it dry but I'll give it back to the two ASAP.

I stuff it into my pocket and head over to the wood pile to gather as much of it inside as I could just in case. I walked in to see lots of work being conducted on the precious food. Everyone was carefully either putting the pasta into bowls, bringing the six packing the noodles bowls, or taking the filled bowls over to the counter for people to lightly salt and pepper before sliding the bowls down so that they were out of the way.

I walked in and out about ten times both ways to get surely enough wood inside. If not it could become a dangerous mix between a tall and skinny pile of wood. I gave up on getting the rest of the wood in and decided to make myself useful otherwise. I assisted in sliding the filled bowls to the edge of the counter to look useful when I heard the rain begin to pound against the metal sheet roofing.

I was tempted every second that I either smelled or saw the delicious-smelling pasta. The guard announced, "Two hours remaining!"

Katie followed his announcement with one of her own, "Yall heard him! Jessie, could you please get the fire started? Everyone else, let's make some of whatever! We have enough flour for a couple batches of flour left but we also have some peppers and beans so how about some loaded peppers, or fried eggs, or whatever be creative but make it taste as good as possible without testing it yourself! I want three or four over here with me! Katie after you get the ovens going you do you okay!"

"Yes 'mam"s and "Okay"s filled the room. Katie is meant to be a leader, especially in the kitchen that's for sure. I made myself useful in fetching ingredients and equipment for the rest of the time we had for the day until the two hours were almost over.

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