Chapter 5

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Minutes later after she had returned a man walked in and shouted, "Everyone get in a single file line; now!"

We all quickly scrambled to the door in a line, and i made sure that Katie was in front of me in my view. They escorted us to a room with a table and two chairs. A man was sitting at the table with a clipboard and pen.

They made each of us stand against the far wall and the man at the desk called us one by one in accordance to our placement in line. I could hear him asking the others questions, but I couldn't hear most of their response because I didn't care to listen.

After the other's turns were over they were escorted to an exit to someplace outdoors. Eventually, it was my turn.

I walked up ad took a seat in front of this man. He had a white hair-speckled beard with a bald head. He looked at my arms and face with interest and he asked me my name.

I told him, "How about you tell me what you think you're doing here whats-your face"

The two men who escorted us took a step each in my direction, but the man at the table said, "At ease men!" before turning back to me to say, "Look whats-your face. You're property of this army now so act like it. You look quite muscular and full of attitude. What's your name?" he repeated more sternly.

"I ain't tellin'"

"Her name is Jessica Bondririas, sir!" I heard behind me. I turned around to say,

"Can it Kati-" before turning back to the man as I heard his voice interrupting the end of my sentence.

"You refuse me one more time and both you and her will pay? Am I understood?!" He yelled. It's one thing to threaten me, but my sister! He'll pay but now's not the time. Not while Katie's in danger. "Now, why does a doll like you have such muscular arms?"

I wanted to punch this sucker in the face for the way he was talking to me, but I resisted for Katie's sake. "Junior girls wrestling; four years"



"Any talents?"

"I can hold back the urge to punch you in the face right now after all you @$&* have done"

"Medical conditions?"

"Why do you *&@$% people care?"

"Ahem, I asked you a question. Are you going to suffer the consequences of-"

"No; I'm fit as a fiddle," I grumbled. At least he was civil enough to warn me.

He then pointed to one of the rooms on the side like he had done with all the others so far. The guard came over and grabbed me by the handcuffs and he practically dragged me and the weight on my ankle into the room.

Past the door, I saw another man at a table with some sort of equipment. "JB, C," the guard announced before tossing me in the direction of the chair.

I sat down in the chair as if I had a choice and the man stared me dead in the eyes. The guard came over, pointing his gun at my face, and said, "Stay still or I'll fire"

I stayed dead still as the other man came around me and kicked a lever on the chair forcing it into a slightly reclined position. He then pulled out a ketchup bottle and aimed it right at my head.

I closed my eyes and he squirted it all over my face and head. The thin liquid covered my head and upper face. Then it stopped as quickly as it had come and I almost opened my eyes when my entire boy became soaked. I had slightly jumped in unexpectance but thankfully he didn't shoot me for that. 

Then another squirting thing was put all over my head. It felt like what I imagined the ketchup would've felt like and it for some odd reason likely was.

 I could feel the thick liquid covering my hair and face. It covered my nose and i held my breath in between breaths as much as i could to prevent it from coming up my nose.

I then felt someone sort of massaging my head momentarily before there was suddenly no more massaging or ketchup. The chair then jolted back upright and someone grabbed my handcuffs being pulled.

I debated staying put, considering the earlier threat but I was also told not to fight. I kept my ketchup-covered eyes closed and put one foot in front of the other.

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