Chapter 3

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I could hear orders being sent out to people all around me. I could also hear moans and sobbing people. I slowly opened my eyes to reveal a medium-sized clay made room. There were many people all around me that i didn't recognize; but i recognized the people from the last room i remember being in.

From the back of her head i recognized Katie sitting with her back to me. I slowly sat up and i noticed handcuffs on my wrists. I also felt cool metal around my ankle. I looked down to see a chain that attached me to a large spherical rock.

Oh crud.

"Katie are you okay? Where are we? Why am i chained up?"

She turned around and threw her handcuffed arms around me. "Oh Jessie! We're in enemy territory and we're the hostages!"

"Why isn't your ankle bound? How long have we been here? How long is this hug gonna last?"

"Oh, yeah sorry," she said releasing me from her hug. "Apparently they only put those on people who looked capable enough to run away, and i don't know. I just woke up too"

" Okay, so what do they want a ransom? A trade? C'mon tell me what it is!"


"@*%#!" I yelled, not caring to cover it up anymore.

" attention! it appears the most of you have awakened by now! Get used to this place. This is where you'll be spending most of your time when you're indoors! There are loft-style bunkbeds on the wall first come first serve; if you don't get one don't come wining to me! You get three meals a day, but they can be taken away if you do not follow orders! Your lives are at stake so act like you fools! Ankle bound restraints can be lifted from your possession, or increased in weight depending on your individual behavior! It's chow time you hogs!" An armed man in all purple yelled before leaving the room from a highly guarded, locked door.

All of a sudden, the door opened again, and about 10 people dispersed, one bowl of food to every loft bed. along with one plastic cup to each bed, and I pointed to a faucet on the wall and announced that that is where all of our water would come from. They then left, and all of us in the room, decided to go and claim a bed because it looked like we would be here a while.

I got one about 2 feet up off the floor and Katie got the one above mine but she needed my help getting up because there were no ladders. we both refused to eat the disgusting looking stew.

most others refuse to eat it as well, but some decided to eat it, and immediately regretted their decision. The two guards simply stared at us without saying a word. Every time someone grimaced at the taste of the stew they would smile ever so slightly.

Those that had decided to try the stew also decided to try the water and attempt to wash out the disgusting taste of what they had eaten. no one said a word but from their faces, I decided that it must've tasted just the same as regular water. At least me and Katie should be able to drink something when we need it.

Katie's face interrupted my view of the ceiling, and by her face alone I can tell she had decided to try the stew. I lifted her off of the bed that was about 3 1/2 feet from where I was sitting. It had been so low, in fact that I had to lean back or forward to be able to fit while sitting down onto my bed.

We both made our way over to the faucet and we each filled our cups with the room temperature liquid. Thankfully, it appeared to be filtered, but I decided to try mine first just in case. Katie was the only one in the room that I actually cared for and I cared for her more than anything.

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