Chapter 14

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Me and Katie walked over and sat on our bed next to each other to eat in silence. The food actually tasted good, although it was no longer as steamy hot as it had been in the kitchen. Either way, it was much better than whatever slop they had given us before.

We continued eating until our bowls were full and we figured that we were supposed to keep our bowls. All three of the new people had already left leaving only us inmates and the guard.

Everyone who had been given food had already finished and we sat there without very many chatty people. There were a couple, yes, but not most. A soft alarm sounded above the guard's post and he yelled, "Line!"

We did what he said and he led us outside where we were forced to run once again. We ran for about 15 minutes before we finally came to a stop in a green grassy field. There was a large windmill-style building to the far right and next to it was a small shed as well.

They yelled out, "Plow's in the shed! Grow our crops! Do not let the farmland extend past the yellow-painted grass!"

I looked around and I could only see one of the lines and that one is to prevent the crops from extending into the grassy paths between the clay buildings.

We walked over to the shed and Katie stuck closely by me. "Any escape plans yet?" I leaned in and whispered to Katie as we walked.

"Well the only thing I can think of is to maybe find a way to hide without them knowing, then we can see if this place is guarded at night, then the only thing left to do is to see if the fence is electric"

"Good plan, but the fence is highly electric, I testeed it for myself-"

"What, why would you do that?! Are you okay?" she asked, interrupting me.

"Yes, I'm fine not $#@* stupid. I threw something at it dingus"

"Okay sorry, but maybe there will be like a shovel or something in the shed. We could use half that plan and tunnel under if it's not in-grounded"

"Good point, but so far we've been drug all over the place, so if this doesn't work out we'll need a way back in for food. We need to see if there's a schedule first"

"Okay, re-discuss in a couple days?"

"Got it"

With our conversation over we walked with the rest of the prisoners in our group over to the shed. A woman opened the door revealing shelves of tools but right in the middle of the floor were 10 wooded V-shaped wooden things with metal things on the bottom.

"$#@* guys, we have to plow this entire #$@* field ourselves!" one man yelled.

"#@%* this #@%* place!" his friend yelled. I assumed from their reactions that it was pretty bad or hard work. Then someone opened a door on the side in the back right and said, "Guys, we have an issue"

We all walked over there and entered the room. There was a large contraption in front of us with a stone circle with whole wheat inside. Not whole wheat like whole bread but like whole wheat whole plant pieces. In the middle of the wheat was a large machine that dipped into it and I could not see how deep it went but was below the surface. Attached were ten long poles about waist-high.

"@#%*!" the same man who first cursed at the equipment in the other room said. A sign on the wall next to the door we had entered read,

You want to eat? You cook. You want to cook? You get the ingredients. In the cabinet are wheat seeds some of you will use to plant. Some will harvest, and some of you will grind it up into flour. Chicken coops are behind this building and will be your egg supply. If you use up all your ingredients before your harvest arrives you suffer the consequences. 70% you will not keep after all this for your kitchen. You get whatever's left after the good crops are donated to our army. If we suspect we don't have the best we will take it all. You must provide for the entire camp so get to it!

"@#$* this @#&* @#$* @#%* place of @#%* @#!* %^$*!" I yelled.

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