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So three weeks went by and it was now a stormy night, and Nanny, Anita and Nora were with Perdita waiting for the puppies to arrive while Pongo and Roger Adam and the kids were in the kitchen waiting to hear the news.

"This is taking forever" Jaden says "why is it taking so long?" He asks being upside down.

"You can't rush birth, my son I know you were being raised by boxtroll, so you never witnessed anything like this but it's all about patients and taking time" Adam says.

"Even so, it still feels like we've been waiting forever" Jaden says.

"Don't worry little brother it'll be worth the wait when it's done" Zane says.

"Will you guys, shut up" Dan says petting Pongo who was nervous "we should be worrying about Pongo here too. He's the father. He's the one he's more nervous than we are. So stop complaining and wait"

Just then they heard footsteps coming this way and it was nanny and she grabbed some towels and left the kitchen where they were waiting.

"THE PUPPIES ARE HERE" Nanny yells and that makes all of them jump and she walks into the kitchen and grabs a teapot "oh, the puppies are here" she was so excited and left the kitchen again.

Roger then stood up "how-how how many?"

Nora then popped out "8"

"8?" They all said.

Pongo then started barking excitedly, and Roger grabbed a hold of Pongo's front paws, and they started to dance around the room.

"By George, Pongo! 8 puppies" Roger says.

Just then nanny showed up "10"

"11" Anita yells from where she was.

"11" nanny says.

"11? 11 puppies, Pongo that's amazing" Jaden says.

"Wait a minute now wait a minute, minute" Nora says "13" she then heard them "no, no, no. 14" she then looks "oh, there's 15 puppies"

"And the mother's doing fine, love" nanny says showing her love to Pongo "you ducky thing, you"

Pongo was overjoyed that he look like he was a drunken dog, but he was overcome with joy they couldn't believe it.

They then went back to Anita.

"15 puppies?" Roger says " why, Pongo, that's marvelous" Roger then pets him with joy.

But just then Nora came in with tears with a towel covering up a puppy "14" they look at her "just 14" she hands the puppy to Roger "we lost one. Poor little fella" she leaves the room in tears 😭.

They then look at the dead puppy that was covered up in the towel.

"Oh, Pongo, boy" Roger says feeling bad "it's just one of those things"

Dan then had an idea "give me the puppy" Roger hands him over and Dan sits down next to Roger "in my travels I saw someone do this to bring back a puppy, and I wonder if it'll work again" Dan then rubs the puppy.

They watched and they were about to give up hope.

When all of a sudden they saw movement in the towel.

"Look, Pongo" Roger says seeing it with his own eyes.

Pongo was very happy and touched his puppy on the nose with his.

"Mom, Anita, nanny" Dan says still holding him "15. We still have 15 puppies"

Pongo was licking Dan's face to show his appreciation for saving his pup.

Dan and 101 Dalmatian (cartoon version) ✅ Where stories live. Discover now