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Once Dan and Pongo and Purdy arrived at the barn, they were reunited with their puppies and brothers and They were all so happy to see each other.

After Dan saw that his brothers were fine he got tackled by Dalmatian puppies that were happy to see him too, and he was laughing his head off and how cute that was.

"And Rolly, you little rascal" Dan says with Rolly in his arms.

"Did you bring me anything to eat?" Rolly asks.

They all laugh over this.

"Everybody here? All 15?" Pongo asks.

"Twice the many dad" Patch says "now there's 99 of us"

"What?" Pongo and Dan both said and looked at all the puppies. "99"

"Where did they all come from?" Pongo says.

"What on earth would she want with so many?" Perdy asks.

"She's going to make coats out of us" a girl puppy says.

"It's true" Jaden says "we heard it come right out of their mouths"

"And since we were a liability, she told them to get rid of us once they were done killing off all the puppies" Zane says "and apparently they weren't even after us they were after you and the puppies"

"Me? I wonder why?" Dan says being sarcastic, knowing full well, why she wanted him. "She wants me because I stood up to her and she didn't like it. Oh, boo-hoo lady act your age"

"Horace and Jasper we're gonna pop us off and skin us" Patch says.

"She's a devil" Perdy says and looks at Pongo "a witch! What'll we do?"

"We have to get back to London somehow" Pongo says.

Lucky then looks at the other puppies.

"What about the others? What will they do?" Lucky asks.

Pongo then had an idea.

"Perdy, we'll take them home with us" he looks at the puppies "all of them" the puppies got excited to hear that "our pets would never throw them out"

Captain then cleans his throat to get their attention.

"Colonel, sir, lights on the road" Tibs take a look "it's a truck heading this way"

"It's the Baduns, Horace and Jasper" Tibs says "they're following our tracks"

"Well, we got them out numbered Tibs and when I give the signal" Colonel says as he walk to the door "we attack"

"Colonel, sir" Tibs says "I'm afraid that would be disastrous"

"You think so!" Colonel says.

"He's right" Dan says "they're after the puppies that's their top priority and we can't let them have them"

"I agree and we better run for it" Pongo says.

"Out the back way, across the pasture" Tibs says.

"Thank you, Sergeant, Colonel, Captain" Pongo says.

"And thank you for looking after my brothers, Sergeant" Dan says as he hands them thick jackets to wear.

"Bless you all" Perdy says.

"How can we ever repair you" Pongo says.

But the colonel said none of that, and that they were happy to do it for the line of duty.

But Dan figured they deserved something for what they have done so Dan made a warmer cover appear for the horse to keep him more warm.

The colonel got a big bone.

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