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But right now, Zane and Jaden were waking up being surrounded by a whole bunch of puppies, dalmatian puppies, to be exact.

But when they try to move, they saw that they were tied up with their hands behind their backs, and they were tied together.

"Zane is it just me or is there a lot more than 15 puppies here or am I seeing things?" Jaden says.

"Nope, I'm seeing it too, and there's a lot of them" Zane says and then saw the 2 guys that kidnapped them "what do you want with us?"

"I see that your awake" Jasper says "and you're about to find out when the boss gets here"

"You don't scare us we've seen scarier things than you 2, believe me I should know from experience" Jaden says being scared, but wasn't showing it.

After that, they walked away, ignoring them and went back to doing what they were doing.

"Don't worry Jaden it wouldn't be the first time I've been kidnapped and I know that Dan is on his way and so we just need to hold on until he gets here" Zane says.

"Who are you?" They look at the puppy that was talking to them and they saw that he didn't have a collar.

"My name is Zane and this is my little brother Jaden. What's your name little fella?" Zane asks.

"I don't have one, but the others call me clumsy" he says.

"Why?" They ask.

"I always trip over my paws and end up crashing into others" he says.

"That's not your fault" Zane says "when I was younger I was clumsy too. I'm sure you'll grow out of it at some point it just takes time"

"Keep it down you 2, you're making other puppies bark" Horace says.

"How can you understand us, but they can't" a girl puppy asks walking to them.

It's a long story" Jaden says "Dan I hope you get here soon"

After that zane and Jaden talk to the puppies and a whisper at the puppies told them who these blokes were and how they got here.

Meanwhile, the barking all over the city, eventually made it to the countryside.

Until the news got to a dog named Towser and a goose named Lucy.

The dog was listening to it.

"Towser, Towser, what's going on?" Lucy asks "what is it? What's all the gossip?"

Towser cleans his throat "tain't no gossip, Lucy. It's all the way from London"

Lucy gasps "you don't say!"

"15 puppies and 2 kids were stolen" Towser says.

"But, there's no puppies around here, not since Nellie's last litter, but they're all grown up" Lucy says.

"Well, then, we'd best send the word along" Towser says.

Towser cleans his throat, and begins to bark and howl to the next dog, which was the colonel.

A horse by the name of Captain heard the barking, and he knew what it was and so he woke up the cat that was laying on him who goes by the name Sergeant Tibs and once he woke up he told them cat to go wake up the Colonel.

And once that was done he went to the window to hear it.

"It's old Towser down at Withermarsh, sir" captain says.

Dan and 101 Dalmatian (cartoon version) ✅ Where stories live. Discover now