Chapter 15

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Lincoln looks at me and hes holding my hand as we walk to school. "Hey, why were you outside if i may ask?" Lincoln asks. "...Uhm.. well.." I say as we near the school and I avoid the subject and Lincoln opens the school door for me.

As we are walking through the hall i stop at my locker. "Hey ill be right back ok?" Lincoln says as he looks at me then walks down the hall and dissappears into a crowd of students.

I stand at my locker as i get my book out of my locker.

"Wheres your little boyfriend huh? did he run off like your mom?" Dominic says as he shuts my locker. I didnt respond to that and i tried to walk away. He grabs my arm and yanks me back to him then slams me into the locker and pins me there. Nobodies in the hall except us at the moment. Whats he going to do to me? why am i so frightened? why wouldnt i be so frightened?

He pins both of my hands to my chest so i cant push him away. "Get off of me!" I yell at him. "Would you just fucking shut up? Whats with all the bandages huh? Your dad get sick of you again?" Dominic says as he flicks the bandage on my head and i wince and tear up. "Ow! Stop what the fuck!" I say before Dominic grabs my chin with his free hand and tilts my face to face him fully. "You know you would be a truly stunning person if you would shut the fuck up." Dominic says as he stares at me with a cold look. "Too fucking bad Dickhead." I say as i death stare him. "Maybe i can help with that then twink." Dominic says before kissing me.

I try to kick him off of me and i tear up. He pulls his lips away for a second before kissing me again.

Lincoln comes back into the hall and sees whats happening. Lincoln drops his notebook and comes over and grabs Dominic by the back of his shirt and yanks him off of me then shoves him onto the ground.

Dominic curses at Lincoln in pain before Lincoln straddles his chest as Dominic lays on the ground, and Lincoln begins punching him repeatedly.

Dominic grabs Lincoln by the waist and shoves him off before going and punching Lincoln in the gut and face.

"Stop it! Both of you!" I yell before grabbing Lincoln away from Dominic. "I will fucking make you a joke if you lay your hands on him EVER. FUCKING. AGAIN." Lincoln says before grabbing my hand and walking away taking me with him.

He goes into the boys bathroom then into the big stall with me. "Are you okay? What happened?" Lincoln asks worriedly as he locks the stall door. "Im fine, just shaken up i guess and scared. He had pinned me to the locker and-" I feel my chest tightening because i feel like im going to cry but i dont want to.

"You dont have to re-tell it for me its okay. Im so sorry that just happened Xavier." Lincoln says as he brushes a peice of hair from my face and tucks it behind my ear gently. "I should be asking if your ok Lincoln, he punched you a few times, it looks like your cheek is already starting to bruise....." I say before taking my backpack off and setting it on the floor then grabbing a paper towel and turning the sink on in the big stall. I soak the paper towel in cold water then ring it out and go back over to him and gently put it against the place thats bruising.

I notice hes bleeding through his shirt by his gut. "I think one of Dominic's rings cut you when he punched you." I say as i look up at Lincoln still holding the paper towel to his bruising cheek.

"I can hold the paper towel if you'd like to check." Lincoln says before putting his hand against mine thats holding the paper towel to him. I slightly blush. "Alright." I say before movng my hand from his face and letting him hold the paper towel. I move my hands down to his waist and pull his shirt up slightly and hold it against his chest with one hand.

"Its not too deep but it might get infected if you leave it just open, its medium sized." I say as i look over it then meet his eyes again. "Do you have bandages?" He asks as he keeps eye contact with me still holding the paper towel to his cheek even though its not cold anymore. "Yeah they should be in my backpack." I say then looking over at my backpack. "Could you bandage it for me?" Lincoln asks.

"Sure." I say then go and open my backpack and grab the bandages out. "Would it help if i took my shirt off all the way so you dont have to hold it up?" He asks and I nod yes. He takes his shirt off and puts his shirt over his shoulder.

I pull the end of the bandages and start bandaging him up.

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