Chapter 19

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I open the door to my home and the warm air hits me first. That lasts for a second before the smell of alcohol and cigarettes hits me too. Maybe coming home was a mistake. I go inside and go to my room. I shut the door and sigh as i think.

I find Lincolns number in my bag and call him, i dont have a specific reason in mind. I just want to hear his voice. It brings me comfort for some reason.

He doesnt answer and i sigh. I wonder what hes doing, but i also wonder why i think of him as often as i do. Maybe i should just go to bed early. I yawn then go lay in my bed.

Is it bad i think ive fallen in love with Lincoln. Am I wrong for thinking this? Am I mixing platonic and romantic feeling? I dont think I am, I cant get him off my mind.

My thoughts trail off as I fall asleep.

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