Chapter 21

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Ive never had someone on my mind as much as Lincoln is. Did i do something to make him drift away? Or did i not do enought to keep him close to me?

He passes me in the hall like im a stranger, maybe thats all we ever were. Did i overthink it all? Did he only stay out of pity and to stick up for me?

As he walks down the hall away from me I cant help but admire him. Hes very attractive to say the least.

My mind seems to be swirling with questions, thoughts and emotions. Maybe I chased after something that wasnt true. Maybe its just a hallway crush kinda thing..

I organize the stuff into my locker before shutting it. I hesitate for a moment as i let myself get lost in my thoughts before locking my locker.

I walk down the now less crowded hallway. Lots of students have gone home by now, and i shouldve been one of them instead of teying to find answers to my thoughts.

I walk out of the school and dont the staircase as i hold onto the cold, metal railing. Its chilly outside and the brown leafs scatter the ground.

I walk down the snowy sidewalk and admire the few drawings in the snow or things of that nature as i pass them by.

I get to my home and look at the front door as i slowly make my way up the steps.

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