Chapter 23

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I get ready for school and walk there in the snow. I walk down the same sidewalk i used to walk my sister to school on. I wonder if it was one of theses sidewalks she was killed on. I wonder if i couldve prevented it.

Was it my fault i didnt look after her better? I might not be her parent, but i feel like i failed her as a older brother...

I want to see my little sister again..

The only way ill be able to that though is dieing.

I get to school and go inside. I see Lincoln infront of my locker with sone girls talking to him.

I dont bother going to my locker because Im not in the mood to fight or argue with anyone today.

I go to class and go to my desk. I put my arms on my desk and lay my head on them as i let my thoughts run free and swirl together.

I feel a hand on my back. "Hey.. you okay Xavier..?" Is that Lincoln talking? I think to myself before looking up and making eye contact with him.

I hesitate before responding. "Could i talk to you about it later tonight? So we have more time..?" I ask and as i do he takes my hand and kisses it. "Of course." He says, then let's go of my hand and goes to his desk.

Im blushing slightly. Thats the worse mixed signals i think ive ever gotten- how can you ignore me one day and kiss my hand the next!

I sigh as he fills my thoughts again.

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