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Tommy immediately went back to his Dad, who was sitting in the living room, to ask him about the elusive "Seinfeld" collection. He knew exactly how to convince his father into buying the collection him and his friends desire.

"Hey Dad, what's your opinion on Seinfeld?"

"My opinion on what?"


"Oh, right, Seinfeld."

"Y'know Tommy, I never really thought about Seinfeld. It's quite the peculiar show now that you mention it! As it introduced a lot of brand new things to the TV sitcom genre and was the first for many things too, but since tons of sitcoms have come and gone since the last few decades after Seinfeld's airing, most people find Seinfeld pretty by the books and stale. I always found that interesting."

"That's great Dad, but the thing is I've never watched Seinfeld, and I'm kinda interested in watching the whole show, moreso with the info you've given me so far!"

"Y'know what, Tommy, we should watch some Seinfeld! Although I don't thoroughly enjoy streaming services, I'd rather we get physical copies of the episodes, then you'll REALLY experience Seinfeld, something those darn streaming services won't give you."

"That's great Dad! I think the local media store a few streets ahead might have some copies for us."

"Then let's get to it!"

Tommy's father went and grabbed the keys to his car, and his wallet too, in order to head to their media store, called "Crocker's Media Emporium", it's the place where Tommy and his fathr get all their movies, TV shows, and whatnot. It's one of Tommy's father's favorite places to go to when they have free time, but recently the competition between Crocker's and other stores like Wal-Mart, Best Buy, and Amazon has been fierce, causing Crocker's to lose money by the day, you can guess which store Tommy's father advocates for.

"Hey Dad! I'll be ready in a minute, I gotta do something important real quick!"

"Alright Tommy, but hurry up! Jerry's waiting!"

Tommy quickly went to his room in order to let Earl know he's on the journey to acquire the "Seinfeld" collection.

TD: earl
TD: important news
TD: i am in the midst of acquiring the seinfeld dvds
TD: well have them in no time

Earl would immediately respond, just like last time, but only said one thing, and it rang in Tommy's mind like a bell.

BE: go get em tom tiger

"Tommy let's go!"

Tommy left his room and downstairs, joining his father outside.

Tommy looked up in the sky, and the sky looked back with it's big, blue eyes. Tommy felt like big things were happening, but he didn't know why. It was like something big was coming, something that would change everything, his friends, his father, his life. Life was going to change forever, whether he knew it or not.

Tommy and his father got in the car, with Tommy joining his father in the passenger's seat.

"To Crocker's we go!"

Tommy's father started the car, backed out of the driveway, and to Crocker's they went.

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