chap 1 : BLUE EYES

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Spying is indeed the toughest job; I've been immersed in this mission for over four weeks now. At this rate, I might as well establish my own detective agency. But alas, it seems all my efforts have been in vain. I can't unearth any substantial information beyond what's publicly announced. My primary mission, focused on Arthur Enterprises, appears to be hurtling towards disaster. All I've gained is stress. Here I sit in the corner of a cafe, waiting for a meeting between the future and current CEOs of Arthur Enterprise.

The frustration inside me simmers as I wait in this small, art-filled cafe. The view is breathtaking, likely the reason for choosing this meeting spot. I grab my phone, dialing my so-called best friend, Kiara, who provided the tip about this meeting.

"Kiaraaaaaa, your information is garbage. No one's here. Do you even work at Arthur Enterprises? Do you realize the time I'm wasting on these punctually challenged fools? Your info better be accurate, or you're in for it."

"Hold on, madam, cool down," Kiara interjects. "Based on my snooping, the meeting is happening there. The future CEO will be there. Trust me. I promise you a new dark romance novel as an apology when you get home."

"Better be," I retort. "I'll call you if I find anything."

Call ended. I scan my surroundings, and suddenly, a pair of blue eyes locks onto mine from a laptop at a nearby table. The eyes are burning with a gaze that wasn't there before my call with Kiara. They follow my every move, making me self-conscious. The eyes seem oddly familiar, but I push aside any deeper thoughts. Raising an eyebrow to question, the blue eyes twinkle and then wink at me. My face flushes, and I can't believe a simple wink could be a turn-on. Am I losing my mind waiting for these idiots? Time to leave.

After settling the bill, I glance one last time at the captivating blue eyes. The laptop closes, revealing the entire face. "Fuuccckkkk," I curse, walking briskly to my car, determined to unravel the mysteries in the comfort of my appartment.

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