chap 7 : FIANCE!!?

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She said yess. She said yess.
She said fucking yessss!!!!
And right now I am kissing her .
Right now I am kissing my fiance.
My fiance .
Mine .

When I break the kiss , we both are panting. Eagerly searching for air. All I see is her . Her beautifull face . Her white shirt giving me a clear view of her curves being tucked inside a black skirt which taunts me for not able to get it scattered on my bedroom floor .
Her Hair became a messed up Art because of me .
I search for her eyes to see the fire which is currently burning inside me . She sees me through her eyelashes. Fuck me . I could even die with this view. I gently brush aside the hair from her face and place it behind her ears . Heat buzzes inside my entire body .

The cheer from the public breaks the tension. I see around to look at my dear future father-in-law , who is seemed to be perfectly pissed as I expected.

I link my hands with my Fiance and walk towards Edward.

"Hi Edward, won't you congratulate us ?
Afterall you become my father -in - law as you always wished !" I bring my hand out for a handshake , as expected he avoids it.

" Why did you do this ? I trusted you . Don't you feel ashamed for breaking my trust?" Edward spits the words as if it is poison.

" Ahh Edward .. did you remember the same words were used before four years . How do you feel by being in someone 's position who use these kinds of words ? " I snarl .

"You will face the consequences for messing up with me . We were rivals before 4years and we are rivals from the moment you chose her over Amara .
Lets see Azriel . How you successfully launch your upcoming App before I burry your dreams. "
Edward snaps .

Aurora's hold tightens . She tries to read between the lines and get to know what happened four years back . She has tried a lot to get to know about that , even by hacking my own personal computer.

" We didn't expect this from you Azriel. I thought we were good friends. I know the things happened four years ago made you suffer a lot . But ......How can you do this to my father " Jeremy steel , my fiance's brother voice outs . Jeremy and me share a secret that no one knows here except Kai .

"Cool down brother, I just got engaged to your own sister " i simply say

" And" i point my finger to Edward
"We 'll see that my dear father -in- law! " I give him a flying kiss .

Being annoyed to the core he exits dragging Jeremy with him .

" What made you choose her over me ? What will you get by marrying her ?" Amara comments .

Before Aurora could answer, i step forward

"I don't feel obliged to say you anything. AND don't you dare to speak anything which might hurt my fiance . I will rip off your tongue. " I say calmly.

Aurora doesn't have to fight her battles alone . She has me now .I will protect her from everyone who tries to hurt her . I will destroy everyone whomever tries to hurt her .

"FUCK YOU" Amara enrages

" Tonight Your sister will" I wink at Aurora.

Aurora stuns for a second and brings back her badass smirk.

" Baby What do you mean by I will ? Seriously you forgot what happened few hours ago ? I thought you enjoyed the things I did with my tongue and my fingers .. Iam going to re-think about this .. " she looks at her ring and sighs .

I keep my fist on my heart and make out a whimper
"Awww I thought there would be an round two ?!! .
I hope you can make it up !? "

"Round two ? Mr AZRIEL ARTHUR, you are becoming very weak at counting " she chuckles

I bring my lips to her cheeks and place a sweet soft kiss .

" Disgusting" Amara shouts and moves out from the room .

I rest my forehead on Aurora 's . I hear her giggle for the outburst of her father and her sister .

"Excuse meeeeee!!!! Sorry sir . I want my friend right now . Very emergency. A person might die if Aurora doesn't arrive at very moment" we are snapped from our intimate moment by an annoying voice of Kiara , Aurora 's best friend.

And as expected, Aurora invites some space between us because of the uninvited arival of her friend.

"Sure " I sigh

Kiara drags Aurora with her , and they vanish inside the women's restroom.

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