chap 2 : The Mission

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I Stormed into our appartment , which is actually pretty cozy and cute. It has 2 rooms , a kitchen and a hall . Our home is filled with our pretty pictures , decors and quotes from my favourite novels . As we both love blue , the full home is in Balck and blue theme . Remembering about the colour blue, I yell for kiara

" If I find you I will personally murder you and go to jail .... Kiaraaaaaaaaaaaaa come out "

A 5'4 creature having black eyes , shoulder length hair, and awfully beautiful face comes to the view. Suddenly rising her hands for her defence she makes a puppy eyes which immediately melts my anger.

Me and kiara have been together for 4 years. She was always there for me whenever I needed the most. When everyone ignored me as rich and spoil brat, she was the only person who came forward and spoke with me . I moved to India with my mom when she and Mr Edward steel got into a huge fight . I have seen my mom suffer And I truly believed that whatever decision she takes would be right. Unlike my siblings, I didnt want to waste a single second with the Steels ,so i discontinued my college abruptly and moved with her from states . She provided me everything she could. She made me join the best college in town, and helped me to cope up the sudden change . At the college, the only person stood with me against every hurdle is the beautiful human standing infront of me .

"Oyee, what happened? Are you going to say anything or make me wait in suspense?" .

" Fine ... First I need something to drink to refresh my fucking memory" .

She brings a bottle of wine and 2 glasses and pours in it . When I bring to my lips, the taste brings the memories of the ocean blue eyes .

"I saw AZRIEL!!!!!!! . He was sitting in the cafe where the meeting was about to held . You said he made no appearance for 4 damn years . What does his sudden return mean !? "

Kiara doesn't blink for few seconds and stands suddenly spilling the wine all over her dress making a mess

" What the fuck????? Are you sure it was THE AZRIEL ARTHUR? Coz he is just a mystery to the whole business world . There is no information & gossips regarding him ....According the past articles,4 years before, he was in a relationship with Amara steel and something messed up or they wanted a break or bla bla bla and he suddenly vanished . No one knew about what happened except the Steels and Arthurs. And I hope you have an idea about that , since she is your only twin . "

I couldn't speak after mentioning about Amara. Fuckkkk she has to be with me in this mission, instead she is acting like a dad's princess and dolled to fuck everyone whom ever Mr Edward steel points out . I don't want to think neither about Jeremy nor Amara . They lost my respect when they didn't stand up for our mom .

" I don't have any idea about her relationship with Azriel. We haven't spoken for 4 fucking years" . I speak breaking the silence.

Taking another sip from her glass , kiara goes to her room and brings her note and a pen and jots down something in her rubbish handwriting. After finishing her scribble . She looks up and starts speaking

"see , according to our 4 weeks re- search, Arthur enterprise is a largest telecommunication company in the world , which easily makes upto 13-15% of net profit per year .
There are 2,30,000 Telecom Companies in the world, and Arthur enterprise easily comes under top 5 coz of its fucking great profit rate . And The steel enterprise comes under top 10 with same qualifications but lacks in some qualities which Arthur enterprise posses . The main point to be noted is , before 4 years , they were planning to make a business deal or a good proposal between two companies so that their profit maximises without making loss for both of them . But due to some reason the deal was broken and then two companies become each other's rival. And pufffff Azriel Arthur got vanished. Though you are related to steel, ofcourse don't get offended, you have no idea what happened 4 years back because you were with your mother in India . "

"This was the same information we had before 4
weeks" I say with a sigh

" I fucking want to bring down the Steel enterprise so they suffer as much as we did and i badly want to get hold of my mother's company which is in the Mr steel's clutches . "

I taste sour when I say Mr steel . I wanted to get back my mom's company which she built on her own without any damn help . It took years to build and Edward steel took just 2 minutes to destroy her hardwork . Though mom doesn't expresses her worries , i know what she feels because I too feel the same . Giving silly reasons like joining a company to gain exposure and experience I moved to U.S 4 weeks ago . But my main reason to move back here is to get my revenge from
MR EDWARD STEEL and I will get.

" Why don't you join Arthur enterprise? They are recruiting. Since there is going to be change in management, the company is hiring new employees . I have 100percent confidence that you would pass the formalities, coz you have the ability. Just give a try . And by this you can snoop inside by yourself and get hold of the information you need ! I hope it is not an bad idea ?"

Kiara's suggestion grabs my attention. "

It is a perfect idea . I can practically get inside the company with free pass!!!!!!!?? Even if they fire me for sneaking in , I have nothing to loose . Perfect. When does the interview is taking place ? " I ask her .

"2 days from now , and start your preparations from right now baby girl!!!!"
She excitedly shouts and drinks the wine from the mouth of the bottle .

" Cheers to the mission " we both shout loud.

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