chap 9 : The Truth

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"Then listen"
I stare at Azriel to grasp each and every thing that leaves his mouth . Even those stupid smirk before he starts speaking.

" Four years back , I started to assist my dad in Arthur enterprise . One day Edward came to our office . He said he wants to make a business proposal which could benefit both of our companies. Back then both Arthurs and Steels were rivals , so my dad was not interested in any of his deals . But Edward insisted. When he said the business proposal was me getting married to Amara, I was out because I already liked someone else .
Even after my dad and me refusing to accept , Edward didn't give up . He asked us to think again and say our final decision within a week .
After he left , we started to dig out the reason for his sudden truce.
And then , we came to know that he got into a huge fight with his wife , and she left him .
It was clear that she was the brain behind his success because, after she left he started to face too many losses . He started getting loans which is also a main reason for his current situation .
Me and your brother were friends from college so , I called Jeremy to know the exact truth.
However, after one week , we refused any deals with steels.
During the whole time , Amara tried her best to seduce me . One day she got me drunk. When I woke up, I was with her on a bed , half nacked "

Fuuccccckkkkk I couldn't even process it .
How he would have felt.
Shit .
All I could do now is to stare him .

" I Managed to get out of the hotel without being noticed .
Next day Edward came to our office again .
He said if we did not agree for the proposal , he would publish the photos and assault me for sexual harrasment of his daughter. The photos too said the the same story of me sexually harassing his daughter in my drunken state .
But I could bet my life , I never laid my finger on her . With no other way to refuse since he clearly has false proofs, my dad agreed to the proposal.
Edward was happy about his succes in blackmailing us.
But he shouldn't have underestimated me .
I explained everything to Jeremy , and he helped me to extract the copies of the photos from Edward.
After I got in hand everything. I burnt it .
When Edward steel got to know about this , he stopped Jeremy from accessing his personal files and started to store everything in his house where except him and his daughter no one can get inside.
After the things he had done to me , I wanted revenge. He shouldn't think that I would simply leave him after trying to frame me for sexual harrasment of his own daughter.
I was bidding my time . During this four years, with Jeremy 's help I managed to eliminate each and every support he had from other business associates.
Now he lost everything. He is very desperate to find an Ally . A partner who agrees to invest and pay his looses . I will make sure him reaching no one but me to cry out for help . And he will be deceived just like he did. "

I am in loss of words . I can't speak . I can feel tears sliding from my eyes.

"Iam sorry . I had no idea you faced this . I ..
I .. don't know what to say ..... I just ....."

" Don't cry "

" I am not " i try to wipe those tears , but Azriel holds my hand and brings his lips and kisses it .

This makes me hard to breathe.
When he gets back , I look into to those dark blue eyes , which holds so much emotions.
Still I lack words . I don't know what to say to make the situation better.
" I hope you succeed in your revenge" I break the silence

" We " he stresses.
" We will succeed in our revenge. "

"Mmmmm" I nod

" For revenge " we tost .

His gaze falls at my lips and travels to my throat.

" What ?" I sanp .

" Enough of wine today , you had a lot "

" Excuses me . I can handle this .
And for your information i don't forget things even after a bottle of wine "

He comes very close that even the air would suffocate and die.

His lips Hovers above mine . Suddenly my whole body becomes fire.

" But you will when I am inside you " he whispers
I push him , and he falls back on the sofa and starts to chuckle .

" Were you always this flirt ?" I rise my single eyebrow .

"Sirf tumse" he winks .
This is definitely a trun on .
Fuck .

"You know Hindi ?"
" Yeah . I learnt few years ago. "

" You know I have better plans for tonight other than just talking.. want to know ? " He again fucking winks .

I don't think I can handle this Anymore without practically jumping on him and begging him to show me the other plans .
So better end the day here if I have to have escape from the possibile situation.

" No thanks .... And it is very late . Lets call it night .
Good night Azriel "

I stand and urge him towards the door .
He grunts .
I pull him from the sofa and push him towards the door .

" Good night little fox " he kisses on my temple and leaves .
But his memories stayed.

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