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it was finally christmas, the roads hoarding with children and parents, who were all scattered across the snow covered streets. eleanor was at will's apartment, he was hosting a christmas party, to which a lot of her friends and famiky were invited. decorating, dancing, discussing, baking, everything. mike, was obviously invited, as will said, "gotta know my future brother in law !" eleanor was with max, will and joyce, in the kitchen, decorating some gingerbread cookies.

"will watch what you're doing !!" chuckled maxine, watching will's frosting leap off of the gingerbread cookie on to the marble counter. "jesus ! abort abort ! we need a towel !" exclaimed will, scooting over to the side of the kitchen, opening the cabinets to get the fluffy towel. eleanor giggled, watching her brother being so clumsy. 

she herself was clumsy, but not as clumsy as will. she was decorating some cookies. each cookie had a name on the other side, that name was the person the cookie's for. eleanor had decorated the majority of them, frosting them each to perfection. max observed how ambitiously eleanor decorated each cookie, crisping the cookie while baking and making sure it was fantastic. eleanor had reached mike's cookie. this cookie was in shape of a heart, she used her frosting to make it look like a wrath, with a little bow and everything. and instead of writing mike, she wrote, my rockstar. how sweet of her.

nancy and johnathan were talking with lucas. "i honestly prefer pop" johnathan said. "yeah, that's your opinion." lucas responded. across them was aunt darlene and joyce, discussing the tree. "okay, so the angel on the top, the gifts at the bottom and-" joyce was about to continue when she noticed winnie, on her way, for her master plan...

tearing the christmas wrap.

ah yes, how horrible of her. winnie was taken up by joyce, who placed winnie near max's cat, darla. hiss !! the cat hissed, her tail all fluffy and standing tall. winnie barked at the feline before her. hopper was talking to murray, his friend. "yeah, but here, we make risotto on christmas !" murray remarked, when hopper chuckled. "that sounds a tad bit cursed, but okay, you do you" hopper said, his arms up. the door opened, revealing the mortal behind it. it was mike, with his jet black hair and lanky appearance. the boy looked so wholesome, he was clearly a good guy, he had multiple presents in his hands and placed them on the ground, near the tree. "wow, hop. this is amazing !" the raven haired boy said, looking around the well-lit room. "thank you very much, it's a team effort." hopper chuckled, patting the boy's shoulders. "well happy christmas to you." hopper said. "you too !" mike then walked off to the kitchen, knowing eleanor would be there. 

and of course, his predictions were correct. there stood eleanor, her back in 'shrimp posture' as she called it, curved against the marble counter, placing the cookie mold delicately onto the cookies, completely unaware of her surroundings. both of mike's presence and will and max chasing eachother around with frosting.

"gotcha !" mike exclaimed hugging on to eleanor, making her shriek in response. "AHH !!" she shrieked, before realizing it was just mike. "oh you monster !!" she said, tickling mike, making mike laugh like hell. "merry christmas, dove" mike said, pressing her into a kiss. "happy christmas, love" she said, her arms around him, "do you want to decorate these cookies with me, or be a loser and just watch ?" she suggested. "decorate, duh !" they decided to start decorating, whipping the frosting in all sorts of ways. "haha ! you got frosting on your nose !" eleanor said, booping mike's nose with the frosting, making mike roll his eyes, before he brushed his nose on to her cheeks, spreading all the frosting. "hey !!" eleanor chuckled, "thats unfair !!" she mumbled. "you being this cute is unfair !!" mike said, making eleanor turn crimson. oh how she loved this man !

soon, they finished decorating, and returned to the main room, with the bustling amounts of people. will, max and mike were in a serious discussion, "is a hot dog a sandwich ?" will asked. "i mean, no. it's like just no." mike said. "bullsh!t. it has bread and something between it, mike wheelzie !" max said. "wheeler." "mike wheelh0e." replied max. "that's not funny !!" mike chuckled. eleanor was watching mike get along with her friends, it was funny how goofy mike was. 

a few minutes later, it was gift opening time. eleanor gifted hopper that vinyl, joyce the kitchen set, will the painting set, max the perfume, aunt darlene a necklace etc etc. mike gifted joyce and hopper a beautiful house decoration made of marble, will a new expensive canvas and max a  bracelet and johnathan and nancy something else.. [to make an impression.] max gave her best friends branded friendship bracelets, will giving them matching branded keychains etc.

it was time for mike and eleanor to exchange their gifts. mike looked into eleanor's eyes, how lucky i am to meet such a girl ! he thought. "here you go, dove. merry christmas." mike said, giving the gift, kissing the top of eleanor's head, making everyone awe. "here you go love, wish you a holly jolly christmas." she said, giving him the gift. mike opened it and his eyes widened, a new guitar ?! a hand-knit scarf ?! chocolates he'd finish in just a night ?! oh and that heart warming note, making him feel all warm inside. eleanor was shocked. not only did he give her a home-made chocolate cake and this beautiful collection of books. but a vinyl, just for her.

'my writer girl', that writer, being eleanor. eleanor looked into his dark brown eyes, before pulling him in for a long, warm hug. tears filled eachothers eyes, tears of joy. "thank you mike, so much." she said. "my life's been a dream since i met you." mike said. 

it was an hour after the party, eleanor and mike sat there, away from everyone, cuddling on a bench. a mistletoe above them. mike looked into eleanor's eyes, those eyes, so irresistible ! he then kissed her, time froze with them. the kiss was long, but warm. it was passionate. after pulling away, winnie jumped on to eleanor's lap. making eleanor chuckle. mike took out his new guitar. "you want to hear it, writer girl ?" he asked. eleanor nodded excitedly. he started plucking the chords of the guitar.

'oh my writer girl,                                                                                                                                                                     you stand out, like a pearl.                                                                                                                                                 your writing's beautiful,                                                                                                                                                        you've made my life so colourful.                                                                                                                                   let us sit in that park,                                                                                                                                                             before it's too dark,                                                                                                                                                               let's exchange hearts,                                                                                                                                                           as we aren't seperate parts.                                                                                                                                               you're my-my-my-my-my......writer girl, mine..'


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authors note : i'm feeling a lot better now. this has 131 reads ?! plus i got three followers ??!! thank y'all so much, i love you guys !! stay safe out there !! [PS: the song's written by me !] have a holly jolly christmas, xoxo, gossip girl.

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