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[s] there will be a really really small amount of spice in this !!

it was december 28th, a few days after christmas. christmas was memorable and enjoyable for both eleanor and mike. nowadays, mike would most of the time, be at eleanor's. talking with her, cuddling with her, inspiring her, she was his everything. mike liked playing for eleanor, as eleanor loved music as much as he did. today, mike's band, daydream of you, were going to have a concert. a concert of their latest song, writer girl.

eleanor loved mike dearly, she just loved to be around with loved ones, just like him. she was absolutely grateful to be with him. eleanor's book was almost finished, mike's motivation was always the best. he was always the best. she planned on going to his concert today. currently, the two were sleeping, it was only 8. the concert was at 6 pm, so mike had rehearsal with his band. he woke up, next to the girl who dominated his heart, with her honey curls on his sweater. he cherished days like this, he always would. he placed a gentle peck to her cheek before leaving the grand apartment, for rehearsal. one thing mike loved about el, was that every time  he saw her, his mood immediately rose up. he wanted to stop time and be with her.

some hours later, eleanor was getting ready for the concert. nothing too fancy, just a simple 'daydream of you' band tank top, topped of with a brown jacket, acid wash jeans and a pair of converse, as well as a caramelish-pink shade of lipstick. she was so glad she could go.

                                                       my rockstar🎸❤️


im ready love !

my rockstar

i'll pick you up, kay ?



my rockstar

love u<3


love u too !!

eleanor smiled at the screen before turning it off. thankfully, small pets were allowed, so she could bring along her and mike's fur baby, winnie. winnie wasn't the kind of dog to worm around everywhere, nor the type to stay in a dog purse with pure sass. eleanor picked up the mop of fur and scooted it up into her hands before walking into the street before her grand apartment, where stood before her was mike's car.

eleanor walked into it and pressed a firm kiss on to mike's cheek. "ready to go, dove?" he asked, earning a nod from eleanor. they drove to the venue of the concert, it was big and full of people, making eleanor a tad bit nervous due to her social anxiety, which mike noticed, before he quickly comforted her with a few of his kind, comforting words. eleanor felt so loved, she would sell her soul to meet him for the first time again.

she had the vip front row tickets. max was supposed to come along, as she was lucas' girlfriend, but she was out with the flu. eleanor sat there, earning a few whispers. a few young girls wanted autographs and with her being the kindest soul, of course, signed. the concert was to start in ten minutes but there was already a drastic amount of people behind her row, she was the only one even in the front row. she never knew, that she'd be here, with mike, as her partner and love of her life.

the concert had started with some fake smoke, as the band entered the stage with a whole chorus of people c'heering, eleanor smiled, as she was able to spot the raven-haired boy in less than a second. gosh he was cute. he was always the soft kind of man really. he plucked at his guitar chords as lucas played the drums and dustin played the piano. another thing which the crowd noticed was that faint lipstick stain on mike's cheek. mike began singing with his soft, raspy voice.

'a few months prior,with all those albums you acquired,i gazed into your eyes,within it, your love were so beautiful,so so faithful,kind and sweet,making my heart beat...
oh my writer girl, you stand out, like a pearl. your writing's beautiful, you've made my life so colourful. let us sit in that park, before it's too dark, let's exchange hearts, as we aren't seperate parts. you're my-my-my-my-my......writer girl, mine..'                                                           


the whole time, mike's eyes were fixed, onto that pretty girl, in the vip row. eleanor. he would smile at her in between lines. eleanor had an expression glued onto her face, which looked like she wanted to tell him that she loves him, making mike flush crimson. by the end of the concert, mike had received a standing ovation from the audience. there was only one song being released tonight, the song was three minutes, those three minutes were one of the best three minutes of eleanor's life.  his voice was pure medicine to her ears, winnie occasionally looked at mike.

after the concert, eleanor walked backstage to give mike a fifteen page essay of compliments to mike. immediately eleanor spotted mike and embraced him tight, and pressed a lot of kisses on to his cheek. "you did amazing !!" eleanor complimented. "thank you so much, el." mike said, hugging her. a few minutes just consisted of them talking, then eleanor complimenting lucas and dustin for how good they played their respective instruments, winnie licked mike's cheeks.

it was time for them to head home, mike and eleanor returned to their apartment. mike and eleanor sat on her sofa with winnie, mike's arm was wrapped around el's shoulder and winnie bounced off to his puppy bed in the other room, leaving mike and eleanor to themselves.

"you're so pretty, you know that ?" mike told her. "seriously ? you've got to be bluffing. " eleanor said. "no, seriously, you should be aware." mike said, leaning into eleanor's lips. they kissed for a while. mike let his tongue slid into eleanor's mouth, making eleanor gasp a bit, but eleanor mimicked his trick and did the same. their tongues, wrestled together. eleanor nibbled the bottom of mike's lips, earning a satisfied moan from mike. a few minutes had gone by, leaving them with blush imprinted onto their cheeks. the breathless couple inhaled the air around them. yet again, mike was staying over at el's, but one day, that'll be everyday

authors note : added a little bit of spice there eh ? i have noticed that y'all love spice so i added some. i love y'all so much, thank you for 4 followers and 161 reads !! xoxo, gossip girl.

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