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[s] there will be some spice as requested !!

finally, mike was able to move in with eleanor, who he loved so dearly. he signed the papers, packed all his things into some cardboard boxes and looked at his apartment, remembering that now, he'll get to wake up with eleanor, every morning.

mike then walked upto the new apartment, it was empty, but one presence, lighted it all up. it was eleanor, holding up a box. she was stunning, inside and out. she turned to look at mike.

"hey love !!" eleanor said, hugging mike. a mop of brown fur was at mike's feet, jumping up and down with excitement. "hey dove, are you done packing ?" he asked, kissing her cheek. eleanor nodded, "just need to furnish this empty space." she said, then mike and eleanor started to unpack all their belongings. winnie was extra excited, now that her 'dog-father' was moving in. they started off with the two bedrooms, one guest room, and one for el and mike. while unpacking the pillows, winnie started to pounce at one of them, about to attack before being stopped by mike. "not today, wins" he said, as eleanor chuckled. "wins ? that's a horrible nickname !!" mike laughed, it indeed was.

the kitchen was next, this apartment was super luxurious and spacious, so it wouldn't be a shock that the kitchen was large. eleanor was placing the food items into the fridge when taking out some oreos and peanut butter.

"is that oreos and peanut butter ?" mike asked. "yep, parent trap was right ! this is absolutely delicious !!" she responded, as mike walked forward, "can i have a bite ?" he asked, before eleanor put a cookie into his mouth making him chuckle. i love her so much.

mike and eleanor was finally done with arranging the apartment. it looked so comfy  and cozy with that brick fireplace, bed with fluffy comforter and large kitchen. they sat down on the sofa, watching a show when eleanor said. "i'm starving." at this mike snapped his fingers. "me too !!" they came up with the idea to bake some sizzling chocolate cake in the kitchen.

"okay, 3 eggs and 3 tablespoons of sugar" el said, while mike walked forward with the eggs, immediately, winnie jumped, making one egg break. "okay, nevermind, 2 EGGS." she said, chuckling. then, they started whipping it. some bits of the batter flew here and there. "HAHA !! RIGHT ON YOUR NOSE !!" mike started laughing like hell as eleanor made her plan for revenge. "no time to laugh micheal !!" she said, putting some batter on to his face, they wiped it off, giggling. 

"cocoa powder, flour and melted butter !" mike said, as they added the ingredients into the batter. "now we have to wait for twenty minutes. " eleanor said, waiting. they spent a few minutes, sharing some childhood memories. 

twenty minutes later, the cake was ready. they munched right in, proud of their success of the making of this cake. they then continued watching the show they were watching. eleanor looked into mike's eyes, making mike turn back. "what are you looking at ?" he asked, with a smug look on his face. "my favourite person." she muttered, leaning in forward to mike's face. mike leaned back, pressing his lips against hers. their tongues exploring eachother's mouths. mike then started kissing her jaw, making eleanor whimper a bit with pleasure. mike moved to her neck, making her grip onto mike's hair. "should i-" "go for it."

mike then kissed her neck, earning a response from her mouth. they wouldn't take this THAT far as they were the 'wait till marriage' kind, but they still had an intense make out. mike then pressed his lips against her collar bone, earning the loudest sound yet. then he retreated back to her lips. 

"i love you."

"i love you too."

authors note : i got this request from a person in my dms, this sucked and i'm cringing at my writing rn. i'm planning on finishing this book quickly with two more chapters + an epilogue so i can start a new mileven book. so yeah, feel free to criticize my terrible writing. xoxo, gossip girl.

attachment. [mileven au]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora