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Taehyung slowly opened his eyes trying to get used to the brightness of that hospital room. He blinked a few times until he was able to see everything clear. His head was throbbing in a way that he never imagined it could hurt. He tried to move his body in a way that he could sit down and put his left hand on his head. He felt something around it, is that a bandage? This was so confusing, what he was doing there?

His movements alarmed a girl that was sitting on an armchair on the left side of his bed, reading a thick book. She got up in no time.

— Tae! - she exclaimed dropping her book on the floor and getting close to him – "How are you feeling?" – she asked him raising her hand to stop him from touching his head.

"What are you doing here?" – he retorted, with a serious face and ducking to the side, avoiding contact with her.

"Don't you remember me?" – She asked with teary eyes and immediately putting her hands behind her back after noticing how he avoided her contact.

"I remember you, Kang" – he said with disgust, looking at her from head to toe – "Although I would prefer not to."

The girl sank into the chair that rested next to the bed, her hands on her knees, her eyes fixed, completely stunned. A tear threatened to flow; she cleaned it without Taehyung noticing.

"What is the last thing you remember?" - with a deep breath, she finally decided to ask, trying to rationalize amidst that whirlwind of feelings – "The doctor said that your memory could have been affected."

"My memory was not affected!" – he rudely exclaimed – "I remember everything, Kang. I just haven't figured it out yet why I have to be talking to you in my hospital room. My birthday was last week."

"How old are you?" – she replied, trying to not mind his rudeness directed at her. She needed to know first if he was going to be okay. His rude behavior took her back to a very distant time from "last week"

"Nineteen, of course." – he answered unwillingly, impatiently rolling his eyes to the woman in front of him. She didn't wear any makeup and looked like she haven't been sleeping at all for the past weeks.

If Taehyung didn't refused to face her, preferring an outdated painting of flowers to his right, he would have seen a pair of tears fall from the hazelnut-colored cat eyes of the woman next to him.

"Tae, your last birthday was last month. Your twenty-sixty birthday." – She said, swallowing her tears and finally attracting the attention of the bedridden man.

Taehyung frowned getting dizzy. It couldn't be. Six years. He couldn't help but remember the last six years of his life. It was impossible.

"And why should I believe you, Kang?" – He asked, sharply, looking her in the eyes for the first time – "How would you know that? What are you? My doctor? Is that why you're haunting me?"

This time she had to gather all the strength in her body to remain firm and without tears – "I'm your wife, Tae." – she said with a trembling voice.

He laughed loudly, in disbelief.

"The fuck? What is this, a cheap TV show? Where are the cameras?" – he mockingly laughed at her – "I would never marry you, Kang."

She swallowed her tears and bit her lower lip. She had forgotten that this version of Taehyung had ever existed.

"Yesterday we had a party, the guys were at my place, we drank and..." - he stopped and touched his head again - "I must have fallen off my skateboard and they're playing a trick on me."

Jennie calmly went to the table on the other side of the bed, next to Taehyung, and picked up a ziplock bag, handing it to him.

"Your things." – that was all she could say.

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