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In the midst of the downpour, Taehyung remained standing, his gaze fixed on the disappearing silhouette of Jennie's car taillights as it curved away into the distance. The rhythmic pattering of raindrops against him seemed to echo the tumultuous emotions swirling within him. Uncertain and adrift, he entered the living room, his pajama pants clinging to him uncomfortably.

Jane and Hana were gone; they really were gone.

He couldn't make them stay.

Dominated by frustration he hurled a pink Murano vase, once peacefully resting on the mantelpiece, against the wall, struggling to cope with the emptiness left behind.

Seated on the sofa, hands pressed firmly against his head, Taehyung grappled with a torrent of conflicting feelings. Pain, anguish, despair, anger, and a profound sense of loss swirled within him. The notion of losing something he never truly possessed gnawed at the corners of his rationality. 

If he forgot about them, how could he be so devastated with their loss?

How could he feel this pain, that was almost psysical, of losing them, when this was all what he wanted since the very beginning?

He could have his life back, finally.

After what felt like an eternity of sitting on the sofa, his hands buried in his disheveled dark hair, he finally mustered the strength to drag himself to the kitchen. With a heavy sigh, he swung open the fridge door and grabbed three ice-cold cans of beer in one swift motion. The familiar sting of alcohol on his tongue brought a peculiar mix of relief and anguish, as if those intoxicating sips were simultaneously lifting his spirits and drowning his sorrows.

In a haze of despair and inebriation, time blurred, and before he fully grasped the extent of his actions, the entire reservoir of beer he stashed in the fridge had vanished.

Staggering towards the couple's suite, he navigated through the space that once housed shared moments. The air carried the haunting scent of Jennie, an ethereal presence in the absence.  Collapsing onto the bed, he grappled with the stark reality of lying there alone, the intimacy replaced by a profound sense of emptiness. The silk pillows still smelled like her, even though Jennie hadn't shared his bed for a long time. It felt awkward now, not having her there laying in bed with him.

The room echoed with the weight of what once was, a poignant reminder of a love now lost.

"Fuck you, Jane Kang!" – He shouted without knowing if he was roaring in anger or sadness.


˖⁺‧☁︎ ࿏ "Get your hands off me, you perv" – a sleepy Jennie complained, with her eyes still close, feeling Taehyung caress her butt under the duvet.

"I don't remember you asking me to take my hands off you yesterday, while we were having sex" – he smiled crookedly, wrapping his arms around her waist delicately.

Jennie rolled her eyes at him, but turned away with a mischievous smile playing on her lips. From every guy in the world, it was Taehyung that she was waking up with – she thought, half amused, half scared

"It was the effect of the drugs you must have been giving me to make me sleep with you." – She murmured against the pillow, jokingly.

"As if you didn't like it" – he whispered very close to Jennie's ear. Too close. The girl had goosebumps all over – which didn't go unnoticed in Taehyung's eyes.

"I never said I liked it" – she tried to maintain the pose, still facing away from the boy, but she admitted that it was almost impossible to be taken seriously with him there, so close and so hot.

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