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Jennie arrived in a daze, talking fast on her phone that was hold between her left shoulder and cheek, while telling her daughter to put away her backpack and wash her hands. She had a yellow box on her hands, two big groceries tote bags on each shoulder and a brown Hermès constance bag crossed her body. She dropped everything on their kitchen island and sat on the closest stool to remove her super tall nude platform heels. While still on her phone, talking frenetically in french, a language that Taehyung couldn't understand, he took his time to look at her. She looked pretty tired, even with the makeup, he could still see the dark circles under her eyes. She was wearing white oversized jeans, a white basic t-shirt and a red Chanel tweed jacket. Still effortlessly fancy.

"Hi daddy, what did you do today?" —He got caught by surprise when Hana jumped on the couch, sitting next to him. She was in her school uniform, two red velvety bows securing her pigtails.

"Mmm... Nothing. - He still didn't know how to act next to her. To be honest, she scared him. — "I watched tv..."

"Lazy daddy." - She laughed and started to play with her butterfly poppet that was hiding in the couch. The pop noises annoyed him and his head throbbed just to think that this was his new reality. 


When they were finally all seated for the meal, Taehyung asked:

"My mother said I was the one who made the food. I found it very strange."

"It was." – She agreed casually, helping herself to more salad – "You used to work from home, Tae. So you would always cook for Nana and I."

"And what did I work with, Kan-... Er, Jane?" – He questioned, frowning.

"You are a graphic designer and illustrator, Tae." – She said, putting the fork aside to look him in the eyes – "You used to develop arts for some very renowned companies. And would illustrate the Sunday newspaper and a cool art magazine."

Taehyung was stunned. That would be the dream life, if there weren't Jennie and Hana to complicate things. An insane house and the coolest job.

"I used to draw for fun... I can't believe I got to work with this, Jane." – he said, waiting for confirmation.

"Then stop by your office and see it for yourself." - She smiled. A little bit of hope shining inside her eyes.

A little over an hour later, the doorbell rang and Minwoo appeared, greeting Jennie. Hana ran out when she saw her uncle, jumping into his arms.

"Hi, shorty!" – he laughed, picking her up.

"Come in, Woo" – invited Jennifer – "Tae is finally checking out his office."

"How is he?" – He asked, worried, to his sister-in-law – "How are you?"

"He still doesn't remember anything; Not that I know" – she shrugged, folding her arms and sighing – "But the wound looks better! It's finally closing."

Minwoo agreed, and turned to Hana: "And you, Nana, how are you? Happy to have dad back home?" – he asked, poking her.

"Sanchon Minmin, daddy doesn't remember me" – she said softly, pulling the boy's collar.

That broke the hearts of the two adults in the room.

"Sometimes, it happens, princess. When we hit our head really hard." – He explained, patting her head lightly –"But soon, everything will go back to normal."

The little girl hugged him, worried.

"Hey, look what I brought you." – He said, trying to cheer her up, and took two red lollipops from his black jacket pocket, handing it to her.

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