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Jennie couldn't stand any more hospitals. Still, she was there, anxious again in that hospital room with her husband.

She occupied the armchair next to the bed, where she had spend the night with him: another sleepless night, obviously. Even though the doctors had said it was nothing serious, Jennie would never be at ease while her husband was lying in a hospital bed; During his discussion with his dad, he had fainted, hit his head and the cut had opened.

Taehyung had slept until early afternoon the next day, due to the strong intravenous medications that had been administered. His wife had been there the whole time watching over him, holding his hand and just wanting him to wake up and be okay, nothing more. She couldn't bear the thought of almost losing him again.

"Tae, don't scare us like that anymore" – she asked her sleeping husband, staring at the rise and fall of his bare chest, full of electrodes, covered only by the hospital sheet – "Come back to us, baby. Please" – she asked, her eyes full of tears.

She gently caressed her husband's arm, releasing the tears she had held back for so long – "We can't take it anymore, we need you."

She gave him a light kiss on the head, standing up and looking out the window as she wiped away her tears.

Taehyung woke up coughing, trying to find out where he was.

"Kang?" – he called at the same moment she turned to the sound of coughing.

She feared that somehow he had forgotten all about it again. She closed her eyes, trying to shake the thought away, and walked towards him. It was her worst nightmare. On the nights she managed to get some sleep, she dreamed that Tae had forgotten everything again.

"Are you okay, Tae?" – She asked, worried, sitting in the armchair next to him and holding his arm.

Jennie no longer cared what he saw in her eyes. She just wanted her husband to be okay.

Taehyung stared at her careful touch on his arm and her tear-stained face. When he woke up he knew someone had been there with him, talking to him – he couldn't make out what, but he knew it had. And he had felt a kiss on his forehead just before he was able to open her eyes.

Suddenly he couldn't be rude to her.

"Yeah" – he replied, nodding his head in affirmation – "What happened? Why am I in the hospital again?"

"You fainted while fighting with your father." – She informed, still holding her husband's arm – "And the wound opened when you hit your head on the floor"

Tae immediately put one of his hands on his head. It was bandaged again.

"Shit. Did they have to stitch it again?" – He asked, worried, remembering the horrible appearance of the last stitches.

"Yes, but just a little bit" – she confirmed, pursing her lips – "But the doctors said that the deepest part was already full healed so recovery will be much faster now."

"What day is today? How long did I spend here this time?" – He asked, remembering that last time he had wasted a lot of time in the hospital: four weeks alive and six years in memory.

"Just one night" – she smiled lightly at her husband's question – "You passed out yesterday and spent the night here."

"Did you spend the night here too?" – He asked, without really knowing why. He had noticed that she was wearing a big grey sweatshirt and black leggings, very opposite from the sweater dress she was wearing the day before. Jennie just nodded, staring at the heart rate meter on her husband's index finger – "Sorry for completely ruining your birthday."

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