Chapter 9.2 : The City Of Change, Larmont. | Alyia

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Reader Discretion: Some Violence 

The energy that I felt while discussing him with these women, was unnatural. Its effects quickened my heartbeat and heightened my breath. An uncomfortable yet exciting feeling, that confused me. So, I didn't try to give her an answer; for the circumstances only embarrassed me more. So, I sat there quietly and the two of them stopped pressing me.

How was I supposed to address Ahirman; now that I know that these feelings for him are so- intense? And how was I supposed to address Ahirman now that I am aware he had many wives and divorced them? And didn't tell me?

"Is there anything else you guys would like to tell me?" I said breaking the silence, " I want to be sure about him before I make any decisions."

"Well, yes. That is understandable." Catilin looked at Ullemia, "But this may not be pleasing to hear."

"Tell her." Ullemia said, "Be nice about it. Spare her feelings."

"Sir Ahriman's wives weren't the only women who grabbed his attention, though." Catilin said, " Alpha Goddess Sleslorix has also caught his attention as well. She is known for her beauty and calm, yet womanly sensibility. Truely she is the first and most impressionable womanly leader any of us has ever came across. No one is sure when or how a relationship formed between the two, but over time it became more and more noticeable the two had a connection."

"Ahirman and Alpha Goddess Sleslorix?" I said to clarify.

"Yes." Catilin said, "Throughout the city of Dreamscape you'll see statues of her in some of her most glorious moments. She is known throughout our nation, planet, solar systems and even the multiverse. She is the Goddess of all goddesses, The queen of all queens, she is one of the foundation blocks for our society. No one can top her status."

"Sir Ahriman's close relationship with her has always left many curious and rumors of them has ruled many media outlets over the years." Ullemia added.

"Some are curious that once she resigns her position of Alpha Goddess at the Jansferdale ceremony, that they will become a pair. But it is only rumor. No one knows the truth behind it all." Catilin said, "But something drastic has happened between the two that may lead to the demise of us all."

"And what is that?" I asked sensing the fear in her voice, " What happened?"

Ullemia sighed and shook her head.

"We can only go into small details about this for its severity." Catilin said, "Sleslorix went missing for a months' time. No one knew where she went and at the same time Sir Ahirman was gone. So, it was assumed that Sir Ahirman had kidnapped her. But after a long three-week search, a specialized search party found her. And they found her badly bruised and hurt, almost beyond repair."

"No-" I said softly, "He didn't do it. How could he? He was traveling-"

"The trial is to begin later today." Ullemia said, "It is to last a couple of days. Sir Ahirman is not the only one who is going to be questioned by the high courts."

"If they find him guilty of anything, that could be the end for any and all of his servants, wives, ex-wives and agents." Catilin said, "But if not, it's going to be the biggest media break for Sir Ahirman."

"This is crazy." I shook my head.

"Do not worry," Ullemia said, "Regardless of what happens you will be fine. Lord Riyphus, Chair member of the High court, asked Sir Ahirman to bring you to this, unfathomable world. It is likely that he can and will preserve you from the harsh hand of the high court's ruling. Saving you from the demise the rest of us have to face."

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