Chapter 11: | Thirty-Eight Days | Chris

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(Black Out)
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Me and Luke didn't speak much after that intense conversation, the display of love, and kiss for two days. It was an odd quietness and it made me realize just how close he and I really were. But now it was almost uncomfortable to walk around the apartment with the tension that we had since. I wanted to talk to him and express to him that I didn't want it to be this way between us and that I didn't want to lose him as my closest friend. But it wasn't until the next day that I felt he'd be open to that sort of conversation. So, I waited. Once waking up the next day, I looked around for him, but he was gone. I didn't see him until late in the evening and once walking through the door, he came in with male colleague and friend.

He introduced me to this husk of a male; his name was Shan. Luke briefly asked me if he could stay for a couple of hours. I agreed and they went to his room and shut the door. While they were occupied, I decided that it might be helpful to cook something. Since Luke wasn't happy with me and the guest was here late, a meal should satisfy them. I also thought the smell of ribs and mixed vegetables would arouse my hunger and get me to eat. Its smell filled the kitchen as I cooked and made my mouth water.

While preparing our plates, they came out of his room and a soft scent of sex begin to mix the with the smell of food.

To not intrude on them, I decided not to bring up the noticeable smell and keep my assumptions to myself.  After a brief moment of conversation, they took their plates and thanked me.

Then they sat in the living room, chatting and eating. After a while I felt like I had become acquaintance with this man and joined in their conversation, but after an hour or so, I'd grown tired. By then I had retired to my room after the meal and found comfort in my bed, to be horrified by a strange dream...

Once closing my eyes, it felt as if my body had begun to sink into the bed and my limbs became stiff. I couldn't move, not even if I wanted to.

Then in the darkness of my eyelids, I began to see a creature. When everything became clear, this creature was the "earthling" who acted as if he was "superhuman" and called himself, Jamal.

But really, he was an Imphorian and his name was Ahirman.

Infront of this massive creature was a majestic bed and laid a woman- Alyia.

She looked tiny in comparison to him. She was speaking but I could only see her mouth moving as she looked at him with terror. She was shaking her head no and backing up on the bed, as if to get away from him.

This Imphorian grabbed her legs with his massive hands and yanked her to him. He then points my way, with a sinister smile and says,

"You're going to watch as she takes my stroke."

My instincts kicked in and, in this dream, my only motive was to save Alyia. But after failing to get up I realized that my hands and feet were tied; duke-tape was covering my mouth too. Beside me stood another Imphorian that I couldn't recognize, using his weighty hands to keep me on the floor. 

I watched as this Imphorian held Alyia in place with one hand and took his white robust robe off with the other. Then he begins to pull Alyia's clothes off.
I could tell that she was screaming at him now as she kicked at his hands and arms. But even with her hard kicks, they did nothing to stop him from restraining her and taking her clothes off.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18 ⏰

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