December 24th, 2023

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December 24th, 2023

Dear Diary,

It is Christmas Eve! The anticipation of Christmas gets bigger and bigger in my heart. Christmas just brings my inner child out. I become a little girl who gets excited to decorate the house with the bright and colorful Christmas lights during Christmas.

Looking at all my Christmas decorations in my bedroom (and yes, my decoration is pink) lifts my spirits. I don't know if I am going to take my decorations down once Christmas is over.

I will probably take them down once I move out of where I am currently staying.

Just looking at the pink ornaments that hang carefully on my pink Christmas tree brings a smile to my face. Yeah, I am definitely going to leave my Christmas decorations where they are until moving day.

I may not get Christmas gifts this year, and that is okay. As long as I get to spend time with my family for Christmas, that is all I want.

Merry Christmas, and yours truly,

Kora Darden

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