January 31st, 2024

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January 31st, 2024

Dear Diary,

January is finally over! It was like a blink of an eye! Tomorrow is February and also Black History Month!

What really took me by surprise was how warm January has been! Expect that one week where it was pretty close to the negatives for the high and low. But besides that arctic chill, it has been the warmest January I have ever seen in my 25 years of living!

Meteorologists are saying that if this warm weather keeps up with February, this will be the warmest winter in 2 centuries! That is so crazy to me! January is usually cold (and I mean COLD) and very snowy! But I have seen an inch of snow since the arctic chill around two weeks ago!

But with this warm winter, it does make me worry about what will come when we go into spring and summer. Will it mean there is going to be a drought? And with that said drought, will prices for produce skyrocket? There are so many thoughts going through my head when I think about this warm winter we have been having in Minnesota!

But I do know one thing, we, Minnesotans, are going to enjoy this warm weather as long as possible! I may even try to go for little walks during the day with this warm winter weather we have been having.

Yours truly,

Kora Darden

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